Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price
[CAKTEfól CURE Bek Headaehe and relieve all the troublés inoffiect to a bilioua state of the system, snob aa Dizzlness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa after e&ting. Pain In the Side, &O. While their most remarcable euccess has been shewn in cnring , SICK EeaSache, yet Carter's iattle tlver KM U9 cqually valuable in Conetipation, curing and pre enting thi8annoyingcomplaint,whlle they also correct all disorders ofthe s tomach jstimulata tha Jivc-r and regúlate the bowels. Eyen n tñey onlj HEAD i Acbs they wonld be almoit priceless to thoae wha I ufer f rom t bis distressing complaint; but tortacatoly their goodness does notend here.and thosa who once try tliem wül flnd theae little pills Taln ble in bo man y ways that tbey will not bs wil Eng to do without them. Bat after allsiok bea4 ACHÍ fis the bane of bo many llves that here fs wh8r9 l-wemakeourgreatboast. Ourpillscvireitwliila Othersdonot. i Carter'B Little Liver Pilla are very small ana Tery easy to take. Oneortwopillsmakea doae. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pnrge, but by their gentla action please all who oeethem. InTialsat25cents; flyefor$l. Sola by dreggista everywliere, or aent by malL CARTER MEDICINE CO. New York;
Ann Arbor Argus
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