Seton Hall College. CATHOLIC. Souh Orauge.New J rsy. ünsurpassed lor healthfulness of location elegance of buildings, general eqnipmont and excellence ot' instruction. FOUNDED 1856. Send lor prospectus and book of photograpbic views. REV. WM. F. MARSHALL, PreBideut. NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sigh, Qpamehm, and Fresco Painter, gilding, calcimining, glazlng and paper hang inr. AU work is dono in the best style and warranted to give satisfaction. ASTHMA '- -' ■■ CURED, but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwlfl give instant relieC. 25c and SOc slzes. Sample mtiiled f ree. At druggifitsor runilodon roooipt of prlce byTho Peerless Remedy Co..6oblsvaie.jLUoh,
Ann Arbor Argus
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