■ For Constiparon Ayer's Pilis For Dyspepsia Ayer's Pilis For Biliousness Ayer's Pilis For Sick Headache Ayer's Pilis Por Liver Complaint Ayer's Pilis For Jaundice Ayer's Pilis For Loss of Appetite Ayer's Pilis For Rheumatism Ayer's Pilis For Colds Ayer's Pilis For Fe vers Ayer's Pilis Preparedby Dr. .T.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drugsists. Every Dose Effective Unlike the Dutch Process ÍNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W.BateWs Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocors everywhere. W. Baker & Go„ Dorchaster, Mass. Kasle Brand, tlie Best ROOFING Is unequalled for House, Barn, Faotory or OUt-buildlngs and cqsts half the price of shingles, tin or iron. It is ready for use and easily applied by anyone. Send stamp for samples and state size of roof. EXCELSIOR PATNT ANU ROOFING CO., Í55 Duane St., New York, N. T. MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPRIETORS OF THE WESTERN BREWEBY, ANN ARBOK, MICHBrewers of Pure Laser Beer. tij fö CÜSEYGÜSSELFforSIVfS SlVATASL-TSpositivplycureg i#_ GoijfuTuea, (i:t,'ft Ltucorrïiea or nvTh Whttea and all aanatuml diiA PtLA ca' vr('á C Iale or FemaU. PrelV7vveuUíí'r''"uie Viváis a scientific I !]'■ CL Teiüi-ry thatisquick.sureanü ' S sx V C Guarnnteid in j NJa fioia 3 to 6 days. No dosing ir-X. w(th drugs. Encinve nioney r" -JC. -. w!icn onierirc Spnd siomp J i.vA, ' V tor vr.vK iniorniiiiou. siva TW" ■■ MnrJL Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. CO o 'S fe s ü fi w II g 1 51 H i S . f 1 M fH Í = WS !i w ! all ? II' ' ! I Stnmpage Choice Lands. GOOD HOMES IN GEORGIA. We will sell laroe or small nodios in the great fruit, vegetable and cottnn belt of .outli Central Georgia, oheap on easyterms. Purchaaers can put up saw milis aiid more than pay for thelr U:nds with the proceeds of the tiruber. Wrlte for articulara. HOSCH LU JIBE K CO., 504 Equitable Building, - Atlanta, Ga. PIbo's Remedy for Catarrh Is the H I Best, Easiest to Vse, and Cheapest. I Sold by Druggfsta or 8ent by mail. I ■i 50c. E. T. Hazeltlue, Warren, Pa. H
Ann Arbor Argus
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