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H. M. Wood, of Ann Arbor, was here Wednesday. C. E. Letts, of Detroit, was here the first of the week. Wheat and fall feed are growing nicely since the rain. Wm. Bury, of Lima, had eight sheep killed recently by dogs. E. G. Hoag, of Detroit, was among relatives here this week. H. Gregory, of Gregory Station, was here last Monday on business. They are talking of having a revival at the M. E. church in November. Mrs. Jas. F. Harrington has been very sick this week with kidney rouble. Quite a number from here are ttending the Stockbridge fair his week. Preparations are being made for he fair here next week, and a good one is expected. B. F. Tuttle has moved back here rom Wolf Lake, where he has been br several years. Chelsea has had no property detroyed by fire within the past year, 'hich is unusual. The Evening News excursión to iie Fair passed here Tuesday with 3 well filled coaches. C. E. Babcock wül be found at chenk & Co. 's store when they move into their new store. Miss Helen D. Thompson reurned from her visit with her uncle t Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Tuesday. Plowing and sowing still connues since the rain of Tuesday. ome wheat and much rye will yet e sown. Sidney Harrington, of Jackson, ïas been here several days this eek on account of the sickness of ïis mother. Som'é are now picking apples and ie erop is better than was exected. A good many apples will e shipped from here this fall. Henry Kuhl, of Sharon, took ut timbers and lumber on Wedesday to build his barn again, which was burned a few weeks ago. The latest addition to the popuation of Chelsea is a donkey, purhased of the Whitney show last week, for the edification of the hildjen. They have great sport with it. The Lutheran church had a district conference here last Sunday. There were 16 ministers here from the various churches in the district and very interesting addresses and other services were had. The market has been active the past week and arrivals large. Wheat now brings 6oc for red or white, rye 42c, oats 28c, barley $1.05, beans $1.35, clover seed $$, apples 50c, pears 50c to 75c, potatoes 35c, eggs 15c, butter 22c.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News