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The Unity Club Course

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The Unity Club will this year offer a course which is certainly an excellent one for the price. One glance at the course as given below is sufficient to satisfy the most cntical as to the merits of the entertainments. The course will include twenty lectures and entertainments, and the price of tickets has been fixed at only $i.oc. The announcements contain the following lectures: Mrs. Laura Ormiston Chant, "America as Seen through an English Woman's Eyes." Rev. M. J. Savage, "Religión and Evolution." B. B. Nagarkar, of Botnbay, India. Rev. Lee S. McCollëster, of Detroit, illustrated lecture on "Cathedrals of England." Rev. Charles Fluhrer, of Grand Rapids, lecture on the "Tower of London." Rev. Charles Cravens, of Toledo, lectures, with illustrative readings, on "Hamlet." Rev. Reed Stuart, of Detroit. Dr. Kellogg, Superintendent of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Hon. Austin Blair, of Jackson, "The Great War Governor of Michigan." Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop, of Jackson, "A Lecture on Temperance." Prof. A. A. Stanley, a lecture on "Wagner." E. N. Bilbie, one or more Musical Recitals. Paper on "The Influence of Habits of Thought on Institutions." Professor Walter, "Rousseau." Father Kelley, of St. Thomas Catholic church. Professor Dewey. Mrs. Elsie Jones Cooley, "Six Months of Italiati Travel." Rev. Caroline J. Bartlett, of Kalamazoo, "A Walk Through the Dresden Art Gallery." Season tickets will be placed on sale in a few days. The price for the twenty entertainments is only Si.oo.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News