She Could Never Come To Want. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, has just issued an entirely new form of policy, by which the Company will pay to the beneflciary a fixed amounteacA yearfor Ufe, after the death of the insured. Any one who will send his ge, (nearest birthday) will receive. tree, a proposal which will Ilústrate what can be done. The Mutual Life is the largest and oldest Life Insurance Company. Assets over $175,000,000. Schuyler Grant, General Agent. Address, W. H. & H. C. Brearly, managers for Eastern Michigan. Number 80 Griswold St., Detroit, Michigan. WhaVs The Use Of Talking Abqut colds and coughs in the summer time. You may have a tickling cough or a little cold or baby may have the croup and when it comes you ought to know that Park's Cough Syrup is the best cure for it Sold by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co. I have a fine farm near Ann Arbor which 1 will sell cheap, or will take a small farm or house and lot as part payment. For particulara address Box 1254, Ann Arbor, Mich. Frederick Krause, auctioneer, wil] attend to all sales on short notice at reasonable charges. For further particulars cali at the Ajgus office. tf A New Pile Bemedy has created a sensation among physicians by its wonderful effects in speedily curing every form of Piles. It is called the Pyramid Pile Cure. It is cheap and simple to use, but nothing removes the disease so quickly, safely and surely. Anydruggist will get it for you. Adelphi Literary Program. The Adelphi Literary Society has arranged the following program for Friday night: Introductory remarks, F. C. Irwin; closing address, Wilson Klinger, the retiring president; reminiscenées, R. C. Campbell; debate, Resolved, "That doubt is a greater incentive to exertion than faith." Aff., S. R. Cook, neg., F. W. Newton; general debate; critic's report, W. J. Galbraith. This meeting will be held in Room 4, south wing. All members of the society as well as others interested in literary work are invited to be present. Like the essence of fragrant flowers the songs sung in Henry N. Hendersoirs scenic production of the great romantic play '"Nora Machree" cbarm all hearers. The pleasing melodies and the company's delightful mauner of singing so greatly toward making the production snch a universal favorite. At the Grand Opera House next Tuesday evening. Sealed Proposals Wanted. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Clerk's office of the city of Ann Arbor. up to December lst, 1893, at 4 o'clock p. m., for lighting the streets of the city of Ann Árbor with 85 are lights of 2J000 candle power, to run from sundown to 12:30 a. m., on Philadelphia schedule of moonlight lighting; contract to run for one year. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. By order of the Common Council. W, J. Millee, City Clerk, Ann Arbor, Sept. 28, 1893. NOTICE. Every Tuesday and Thursday I will have my Cider Mili in operation. Apples for jelly may be deiivered any day in the week. Cash paid for cider apples. Geo. Aprill, Scio. If you have rooms to furnish 'je sure to see Martin Haller. His assortment is most complete and prices in keeping with the times. In view of what IIood:s Sarsaparilla ñas done fur others, is it not reasonable to believe that it will also be of jenefit to you? Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. - SEALED PL WANTED I Sealed offers to purcbase Thirty Thousand 3olUr.s of the boods oE the City of Aun Aviar, State of Michigan, will be reeefved by the 3ity Clerk at any time on or betore Monday, November 6, next, at twelve o'clock, noon. The9e bonds are to besold for the purpose of raishifr mouey to enable the city to construct a main sewer and they were authorized by a special act of the Legislature, and a vote of the people, and will draw interest f rora November lst, 1893, at 5 per cent. per annum, payable at the City Treasurer's Office. The principal will mature in yearly iustallments of Two Thousand Dollars and are a charge upnn the wholu city. The bonds will be issued in denominations of $500 each. The sald bonds will not be sold for lees than face value and accrued interest and the right to reject all bids is reserved. Bv order of the CommoD Councll. WILLJAM J. MILLEK, City Olerk. JBuild upanrt Purify the Blood. Strengthen the Niii'vcs, make 90] ia llosh and muBcle. Tho soverelKii remedy for all disorders arislnc from an innpur or Impoverlshed uondition of the Blood or from ShatteredorWeakNerves. Prloe. 50 cents a box; slx boxes for 82 50. Spnd for Pstmphlet, also f ree eample oí Purltan Pellets, the ideal laxativa. PÜBITAN PEA.RLS CO , Detroit, Mich S r any telegraphy f" IS K ia "Wanted Youug líen t '.ara i(n b fi 1 1 1 1 Telegrü.phy in Our Offlres and bcoome Expert Operators. ThoOnly Co. mili.'? btudents. Vnta CITY TEIE6RAPH CO., 0wC3M, Klcii.
Ann Arbor Argus
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