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The Store

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The Great Walker RECHW'S SALE PURCHASE, $100,000 worth of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Carpets, Draperies, Prints, Ginghanis, Underwear, Dress Goods, bought at the Great Walker Receiver's Sale in Chicago, and New York and Boston markets - FOR SPOT CASH. 3 Cases of PRINTS (from Walker stock) worth 6c for 3 3-4c. 4 cases of Best Ginghams (from Walker stock) always worth l2jc, for 7c. I yard wide, Heavy Cotton Dress Goods, (from Walker stock) sold for I2#c, now 5c. Black Bedford Cords, bargains at i2yic (from Walker stock) 5c. AH Wool Diagonal Serge, others gc-t 50c for them, 29c. Diagonal Serges, all colors, value 25c, (from Walker stock) 15c. 100 Silk Umbrellas, splendid value at $1.50 (from Walker stock), 89c. 2oo Silk Ladies' Umbrellas, 26 and 28 inch, the Sl.oo kind (from Walker stock), 59c. I big lot Printed China Silk (a'l silk) (from Walker stock) value 50c, 19c. 1 lot New Glacé Silk (from Walker stock) value 85c, for 48c. 50 dozen Foster Genuine Kid Gloves (from Walker stock). 25 dozen Foster's William 5 and 7 hook Gloves, sold always at Si. 00 and $i.2S, for 75c, 25 dozen Foster Fowler Red Kid Gloves, never less than Í1.50, for SI. 19. Great Bargair.s in Fine Imported Dress Goods, Underwear, Carpets, Drapevies, Cloaks, Shawls, etc. SATUR9AY NlfiHT SALE. Saturday Niglu after 5 o'clock we will have a Great Cloak Sale. 100 Garments, different styles and every, one worth from $6.50 to S7.50, for $3.95. Mactllil


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News