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Free To Men

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Wby waste time. rnony nnrl health with "doctora," wonderful "eure-ails," spBuifics, etc., wbeu ï will ml FREE the prescription of a new and positivo remedy tor a prompt, lastlng cure. Lack of strength, vigor j and inanhood quickly reatored in young or old men. I end tlils pres Hcrlptlon FiSEMi of charge, and ihere is Bohumbu or advertising catch ubout it. Any good druggist or physician can put it up for you, as g every thing la plain and slmplo. I cannot afford to advertiBe and give away r-hi3splecdid remedy unlesa you do me tho favor of buyingasmallquantity f rom me direct or ftdvise yonr f rienda to rJo so. But you mny do as you plae about ttiis. You w!ll never refcret havlng written uio, as tbis rc-nedy eured me af ter everytningeisehad falled. Corre?pondence strlctly confldential, end Cl lottero sent ia plaio, sealea envelope. Enclose ptamp if cnnvpnient. .Addrms T, C. BARNES, News Agent, Box 21, Marh.ll, Jfltoll.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News