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When the liair begins to come out iu combing, it shows a weakne3s of the sealp that calis for imrnediate attention. The best preparation to arrest further loss of hair and restore the scalp to a healthy condition is Ajer"s Hair Vigor. A Stravge Freak. The wife of our esteemed citizen, Mr. Jolin Kowell, whilesuffering under the seyere tack of the blues, tried to commit the crime of infanticide, but was prevented by the opportune arrival of a neighbor. Her CKse has been considered by the best doctors incurable, but her hnsband was highly pleased. after usitiR a courseof Sulphur Bitters, to find that she was entirely cured.- Kingston Ilerald. Drunkenness, or the LiquorHabit, Positively Cured By Administering Dr. Heines' Golden Specific. It is manufactured as a povrder, which can be given ín a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea. oriu food, witbout the knovled?e of the patiënt. It is absolutely harmless, and wil] effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alcoholio wreek. Tt bas been friven In thousands of cases, and iu every instance a perloct curo has followed. It never Fails. The systtm once impregnated with the Bpedflo, it beecmesan utter imposibility for the liquor appjtite to exist. ( :üres fruurantccd. 4X pasre book of partfoulara tree. Addrens, Golden Speciflc Co. 185 Kace St.. Cincinnati. O. 8EALED PROPDHALS WAUTEIP Sealrd offers to purebase Tliirty Thousand oí the hoiuls ot' the City of Aun Arbor, Btate of Michigan, will be receivcd by t!e City Clerk at any time orí or befoTe Monday, November 6, next, attwelve o'olock, noon. These bonds are to besold for tüe purpose of raising money to enable the city to construct a main eewer and they were autbortzed by ii speoial act of the Legrislature, and a vote of the people, and will draw interest frora November ]st, 1893, at 5 per cent. per annura, payable at the City Trensurer's üflice. The principal will mature in yearly installments of Two Tbousand Dollars and are a cliarge upon tlie whole city. The bonds will be Issued in denominations of $5()0 each. The said bnds wili not be sold for lees than face value and accrued interest and the right to reject all )ids is reserved. By order of the Common Council. WILLIAM J. MILLER, City Clerk. fi-V y, ff& Buüd up and Purify tlie Blood, Slrengtlien tli( Nervès, mHke solid flesh and muscle. The eovereign remedy ior all disorders arlslng liom an impure or impoverisheri comlition of tiie Blood or from Staatlerod or WeakNerves. rioe, 50 oeDts a box; six boxes tor l2.f0. Send for Pamphlet, alofree sauipli; oí Purltan I'ellets. the ideal laxativo. PÜKITAN PEARLS CO , Detroit, Mich. WJÜL. HBRZ, N'O. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. Housg, 8ig, Obnaïsnu and Fresco Paikter, rlldinsr, calcimimtur, dazraa and pajier bang Ing. Allworkis done in the beat style and warrantod to trive satisfactioD. tl. KITREÜCE, No. 6 West Ann Strekt. ITBLtttliBUnUlUK 1 ii ihe retir of Edward Duffy's trrocery store. Tuck to uil trains, day and nixht. Orders ïor ains, parties, weddins and funerala promptlv RttfnclPd to. ïelephone, 108 Ann Arbor Mlo.b. WÁNTED. Qüiok, activo man at onco. Must epeall n and furnish references. $18 PER WEEK. fl The Chicago Publication and Lithograph Co. 194 Madison 8t, CHICAGO. ILL.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News