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Eight special trains went through on the Michigan Central, Sunday. The Choral Union will produce the Messiah again this year. The organ of the M. E. Church has been thoroughly renovated. Fifteen persons joined the M. E. churcli by letter last Sunday. J. II. Nickels is building a store on State street near Calkins' drug store. A tea social was given by the ladies of St. Andrew's church, in Ilarris hall, last evening. Seventeen ladies were in attendance upon the trial of Hand, in the circuit cburt, Tuesday. Mrs. Trueblood's class in elocution wil] give a recital next Friday, Oct. 20th, at 7:45 p. m. Prof. J. C. Knowlton is building a new residence on Hill street, near Washtenaw avenue. Nine young men took the civil service examination for places in the postoffice last Saturday. The Educational Club gives a social this evening at the residence of J. M. Swift, 22 Elizabeth street. A very pleasant social was given at the Presbyterian church last evening. Many strangers enjoyed it. Burning grass in the rear of the Third ward school called out the fire department, Wednesday afternoon. The faculty concerts of the School of Music are proving more popular than ever, and that is saying a good deal. Eev. J. T. Sunderland will speak next Sunday evening in the Unitarian Church, on "The Choice of a Vocation." The Arm Arbor town board have accepted the ïiew iron bridge across the Iluron river near Geddes, which cost $2,400. Dr. D. A. MacLachlan was last week elected an honorary member of the New York State Homeopathie Medical Society. A full attendance of Ann Arbor Commandery Knights Templar is requested Sunday to attend the funeral I of James M . Stafford. Rhea, Tuesday; Boston Ideáis, Thursday: Modjeska, Saturday. Such is the programme of the Ann Arbor opera house next week. About 150 excursionists from this city attended the dedication of the Lutueran Teachers' Seminary in Woodville, Ohio, Sunday. There is everything to please and nothing to oft'eml in "The Pretty Puritan." Don't miss seeing the finest entertainment of theseason. The subject of Kev. J. M. Gelston's Sunday evening sermón in the Presbyterian church will be "Some Truths of Conf ucianism f ulfllled in Christianity." The deposits in the banks of this city at the close of business, October 15, amounted to over $1,400.000. And yet some people talk of there being no money in the The íour banks of the city report $314,108.41 cash on hand. This is way above the amount required by the law to be kept in reserve. No more solid banks can be found in the state. Prof. F. W. Kelsey, who has just returned from Emope, has resumed his very interesting Bible talks to University students in the audience room of the Presbyterian cburcfa, atl2m., Sundays. Godfrey Gockenbach was charged bef ore Justice Pond, Wednesday, with keeping his saloon open Sunday, September 17. He waived examination and was bound over to the circuit court. The ladies" foreipn and home ruission ary societies of the Presbyterian church hokl their meeting this afternoon at three o'elock in the Jarlors of the chiuch, after which a tea will be served. The Tiïnity English Lutneran church will give a reception for new students on Friday, Oct. 18, at the home of Dr. F. II. Brown, 88 East Huron street. All are invited to be present. Jacob Schaible died at his home in Dexter last Friday evening of blood poisoning. He was thrown out of his wagon in this city two weeks ago but was not süpposed to be seriously injured until blood poisoning set it. He was Qfty-three years oí age ,and had resided in Dexter for twenty years, being a butcher by trade. He was a member of the Ann Arborlodge, A. O. U. W. Rev. J. M. Cíelston lias a Bible class in the parlois of the Presbyterian eliurch at 12:20 every Sunday afteroon. His subject is "The Study of the Life of Ciirist according to a new metliod." Mis. W. H. Walker, while walking on Geddes avenue, the other evening, stepped offoneof the new sidewalks being built there, onto the old walk which is several inches lower down and seriously injured an ankle. The Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist and Congregational churehes will give receptions to the students this evening. The Presbyterian reception will be held in McMillan hall and the others in the respective churchparlors. The rear end of the wagon of Chas. Tessmer, the contractor, was struck by a loeomotive on the Ann Arbor road at the Felch Street crossing, yesterday afternoon. Fortunately Mr. Tessmer and his horse were uninjured, but the wheels of the wagon were smashed. Stephen Webster sr., died in Detroit on Thursday of last week aged eighty six years. He was for many years a resident of this city and built the Olney house on State street. He was the father of Stephen Webster the banker. His remains were brought to this city last Saturday. Every one enjoys good comic opera, well acted, well sung and well dressed. This is jast what the music loving public of Ann Arbor will love a chance to hear on Thursday evening, Oct. 19th, when the "Boston Ideáis" will appear in i"Tbe Pretty Puritan," and those wishing to enjoy the best should not fail to be present as it promises to be the swell event of the season. James M. Stafford died tliis mornning. For a number of years he was a merchant tailor of this city, doing the largest trade in the city. Of late years he has been nfflicted with paralysis. He leaves a wil'e and a number of small cbildren. The funeral will be held at three o'clock Sunday afternoon. under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Commandery, Knights Templar. The opera house gives three very very great attractions next week, in f act the three attraetions of the week. It is not many cities that can boast of having Rhea, Modjeska and the Boston Ideáis all in one week. The management of the opera house is deserving of great praise for securing sueh attractions and what is of more value to them are deserving of most liberal patronage. Unity Club will open its lectuie course on Monday evening next, when Mis. Ormiston Chant, of London, will give a lecture upon "America as seen through an English woman"s eyes." This is to be Mis. CÏiant's only appearance in Ann Arbor this season. and she will probably not be before the public in this country again for some time to come. It is the duty, Uien, of everyone who wishes to heav this gif'ted woman to do so on Monday evening next at the Unity Club in thé Unitarian church. Young liidies of the University, High School and city attending St. Andrevv's church, will be alïorded the opportunity of obtaining instructiou in Delsartean culture under Mis. Poster, who is to organizo a class in Harria Hall, on Monday next at 5 p. m. The course, consisting of ten lessons and ten rehearsals, held on Mondays and Fridays, at 5 p. m. in Harris Hall, may be taken for only $2.00. Application should be sent in at once to the Curator of Harris Hall, if possible before next Monday's meeting. The following nevv books have been received by the Ladies' Library. The Prince of India, by Gen. Lew Wallace; Pietro Ghisleri, by F. Marión Crawt'ord; The llebel Queen, by Walter Besant; The Dictator, by Justin McCarthy: Ileather and Show, by George MaeDoñald; The liight Honorable, by .lustin McCarthy and Mrs. Campbell: üernard of Clairvaux, by Richard S. Storrs; The Story of William and Lucy Smith, edited by George S. Mariam. The library vvill be open Saturday afternoon trom 2 to 4, i astead of lroni 3 to 5 as formeiiy. Mrs. Margaret Stonns, wii'e of the late Jacob Storms of this city, died yosterday niorning, aged seventy-six years. She was born in New York City. and came to Ann Arbor in 1S4U. She leaves two sons and six daughters. George and Edward Stonns, of this city, Mrs. Millie Diekinson. of Corydon, Iowa; Mrs Cassie Kersey, of New Bedford, Iowa; Mrs. N. P. Jacobs, of Chicago, and Mis. Lizzie Eaton, and Misses Flora and Susan Storuis, of this city. The funeral services will be held at 3 p. m. Saturdaj and will be public. The interment wül be in private. The Studente' lüble ClaBS at th Unitarian Cbtiroh, will begin its year's work next Suuday. ïhe subject wil be "Our lleligious Denominations." A companitive study will be made oí the origin, history and doctrines of the various churches and important relia; ious movements of Christendom. The acher will be Mrs. Sunderland, who :or many years has made a special tudy of history, both religious and secular. She will give i conversacional lecture upon some one denominition eacb Sunday. jLl students and )thers interested in a sympathetic comjarative study of Chrlstiamty in its arious pilases, are inyited to attend. [Ier subject for next Sunday will be 'The Jewish Cliurch, the Mother of ill the Chiistian Churcbes," The class meets at 12 .o'clock in the tnain audi3nce room of the churcfa.