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Titus F. Hutzel has put in a telephone at his residence. Edward Bycraft is building a new ! "house on Spring street. Christian Walz is putting up a new house on Third street. Zion church hold their annual harvest festival next Sunday. A New York student lost $30 on the athletic grounds last Saturday. Rumor has it that a large boarding house is to be started on Forest avenue. Eighty-five excursionists for the World's Fair left Ann Arbor last Tuesday. Hickory nuts are very plentiful this year, and nutting parties are numerous. The jurors in the circuit cturt ïave been discharged, and have gone home. Martin Halier has the contract for putting in the furniture in the new city offices. The junior class in the high school nave chosen pink and dove as their class colors. The house being built by Henry Schultz on Spring street is ready for the plasterers. The Michigan Central run an excursión to Detroit today with one :are for the round trip. J. Cairns was given a two days' sojourn in, Tuesday, by Justice Pond, for drunkenness. The fire department was called out Saturday night by a bon-fire on Moses Lajoie's premises. Prof. Hinsdale last Sunday began a series of talks before the Bible class on "Jesús as a Teacher." Clay Green has broken ground :or a block of stores on the corner of Ann street and Fifth avenue. The boys of Ann Arbor town will 3e on hand tomorrow at the court louse with their woodchuck scalps. Mrs. Clara Doty Bates has written an article for the November St. on "The Children' of the Plaisance. ' ' Rev. Dr. Tatlock, of Stamford, Conn., occupied the pulpit in St. Andrews' church last Sunday mornmg. Nicholas Schneider and Miss Pauline Kircher, of Ypsilanti, were married Tuesday by Justice Bennett. Marvin V. K. Jones died in Detroit last Sunday, aged seventy-three years. He was a former resident of Ann Arbor. The board of supervisors have allowed Dr. Heneage Gibbes $500 for his expert work in the Pulver murder case. Rev. John Neumann preached the sermón at the dedication exercises of St. Luke's church, in Detroit, last Sunday. Mr. Clinton Eider gives a concert at the M. E. church in Ypsilanti next Monday evening, for the Epworth League. The Ann Arbor Savings bank gets the custody of the county funds next year. They pay 5 per cent interest on overdrafts. A large number of Masons were in the city last evening attending the school of instruction held by Grand Lecturer Clark. Justice Gable, of Whittaker, has just presented a bilí for $9 to the board of supervisors. This is his first bill for four years. Hiram L. Kittridge paid the costs into Justice Bennett's court, Friday, for soliciting passengers at the depot of the Ann Arbor road. Robert Harris, of Ypsilanti, is serving a sixty days' sentence on the charge of larceny. He was sentenced by Justice Beach. Supervisor Edwards, of Ypsilanti was one of the milders who had the contract for building the Cook House a number of years ago. It is stated on good authority that Martin Seabolt, VV. F. Lodhol and Jacob Seabolt caught 164 fisl in Zukey lake one day this week. Mrs. Charlotte E. Cutter died a her home on Catherine street, Octo ber 22. She had been a resident o Ann Arbor for twenty-eight years. The board of supervisors close up their work this week. Their proceedings in f uil appear this week and next in the Argus and Courier. The senior class in the high school has elected Omega editors. iarry Nichols is managing editor nd George Shanks business manger. The Acacia Social Club has oranized with íhe following officers: )resident, W. Gabrielski; secretary, Sugene J. Koch, treasurer, Albert vlann. Equalizationof the different towns nd cities of Washtenaw have been ut off until the closing days of the oard of supervisors, as is usually ie case. Don't forget that by paying for our Argus a year in advance, now, 'ou will receive the Detroit Free 'ress twice a week for three months ree of cost. Rev. W. Lenoir Hood, of New ingland, will preach in the M. E. Dulpit next Sunday morning, and Vliss Clara Cushma'n, a missionary, n the evening. Rev. Mr. Gelston made an appeal o his congregation last Sunday morning in behalf of home missions, nd the collection taken after it jrought in $78. Robert Scott died in Grass Lake, October 19, aged 84 years. His remains were brought here for burial. ?or many years he was janitor in ie Union school here. Miss Ida Lehman, of this city, nd Charles Barth, of Chelsea, were married at the residence of the jride'S mother, in this city last week by Rev. John Neumann. Ex-Prosecuting Attorney Lehman was allowed $200 yesterday for proecuting the Gould criminal case, ie York case, which took five days n the circuit court last spring. The A. O. U. W. lodge celébrate ie 2 5th anniversary of the organation of the lodge in their hall lis evening. A banquet will be erved with speeches and music. President Angelí secured a num)er of valuable mineralogical specimens for the University museum, hile at the World's Fair this week, ncluding the famous petrified tree rom Arizona. Henry Perkins and Miss Anna Alber, of the fifth ward, were maried last Thursday by Rev. J. Sunerland, at the Unitarian Parsonge, and have gone to houskeeping t 5 Mary street. The first Social Circle reception f the Hobart Guild will be held on ?riday evening, Nov. 3d. The ommittee in charge of these recepions promise unusually pleasant jarties this year. Mr. Geo. H. Pond, of the Courer, will speak before the Young 3eople's Vespers, on Sunday evenng next, in St. Andrews' Chapel, at 6:30. The subject is "The First of the Great Triad." The pupils of Mr. E. N. Bilbie will give a recital at MacMillan hall, Vlonday, October 30, at 3 o'clock ). m. Mr. Robert Luderer, who was so well received at the Unity club last Monday evening, will asist. The Ann Arbor Arbeiter Verein celébrate their 28th anniversary Thursday evening, November 2, in he hall of the A. O. U. W. A fine program has been arranged for the occasion, including the best of music. George E. Bierce, of this city, has begun suit in the circuit court fjom his wife, Nellie Bierce, nee Smith, on the ground of desertion since October, 1891. They were married in November, 1883, in Dexter. Rev. Dr. Cobern, of this city, has paid a good deal of attention tb ancient Egyptian inscriptions and hieroglyphics. He has an article on the "New Life óf Christ" recently discovered in Egypt, in the September Homiletic Review. The ladies of the various churches have commenced holding a series o prayer meetings in anticipation o the arrival of Rev. F. J. Mills. ThL first meeting is held at the Presby terian church at three o'clock to morrow, Saturday afternoon. It is reported this morning tha an altercation took place yesterday afteraBon in the fifth ward between two employees of the Ann Arbo road in which one of them hit th other over the head with a monke wrench with such force as to knoc him insensible, and that the injurec man was carried home in that con dition. He is living but badly hurt. Company A, or the Ann Arbor Light Infantry, on Wednesday evening elected John C. Fischer, captain. Captain Fischer has been brought up in the ranks, has always had a high standing as a soldier and will make an excellent officer. Mr. B. B. Nagaskar, of Bombay, India, who was one of the prominent speakers at the World's Parliament of Religions, in Chicago, will speak in the Unity club course next Monday evening. Subject: "Social and.Religious Progress in India." Rev. J. T. Sunderland will speak next Sunday morning on "Fifteen Years in a Town. ARetrospect and a Prospect." In the evening he will give the second sermon in his series on "Jesus and His Religión." Subject: "Was His Birth Miraculous ?" Fred Brown, of this city, and Miss Mary Alber, of Hersey, Mich igan, will be married next Tuesday, Oct. 31, at the home of the bride's parents. A reception will be given 'uesday evening in honor of Mr. nd Mrs. Brown at 47 Miller aveue, this city at 7 p. m. Prof. Jas. A. Craig, Ph. D., who eaches Semitic languages and Helenistic Greek in the University, will lecture in the Presbytherian hurch next Sunday evening. His ubject will be "The Religión óf ie Ancient Babylonians and Assyrans, interpreted from the Cuniform Vlonumental Records." A lady from Australia, who had )een at the World's Fair, wasriding p and down our city Monday, on ie front platform of the Street cars. he was amazed at the leafless ap)earance of many of our trees and aid that the foliage in Australia was lways green. As fast as a leaf deayed a new one took its place, 'he trees shed their bark every year nstead of their leaves. E. A. Wallace & Co., of Ypsilanti, lave purchased the stock and the msiness of the Two Sams. Mr. Vallace is from Ypsilanti and is an ctive, hustling business man, a vorthy successor to so enterprising firm as the Two Sams have been. íe has taken possession and as he bought the goods very low, he has inaugurated a mammoth sale, concerning which he has something to say in this week's Argus. The Inland League with its usual jood fortune has been able to make in engagement for next Monday vening, Oct. 30, with Mr. Wilfley, vho was formerly a member of the Booth Barrett Co. Mr. Wilfley finshes at Chicago Saturday night and lis next engagement is at Toledo, 3hio, for Tuesday evening. His arogram here includes such selecions as Poe's "Raven," "The Christian Race," scène from "Richird III," and others of the same ;haracter. The program will be inerspersed with first-class musical numbers. A treat is promised all vho may attend. The entertainment as usual will be given in the Church of Christ. Single admission 25 cents. Season tickets admitting to twenty more evenings may still be had for one dollar.


Ann Arbor Argus
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