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llTTLE "aTÍP CURE Wek Headacbe and relieve all the ttcrablM toet ent to s bilioui state oí the yatem, aoh ; ■ Lizzlnes, Nausea, Drowsines, Distress alter ttng, Pain in the Bide, &o. While thelr mort yemarkable buccoss bas been ahown in ciirlTig , SICK feeaflache, yet Carter's Little lAver VOa M eonallyvalnableinConstipation, curingandpraTenting thls annoying complaint,whilo they alsu correct all disordersofthestomachtimulatetha Uver and regúlate the bowela. Even 1Í the jonlj HEAD Aeb they wonld be lmost pricelesa to those wha iuiterfromthisdl8treBsingcomplaint;butfortuIHately theirgoodnessdoea notend here.and thosa Who once try them will flnd these litüe pills valu. ebletnBoinany waysthatthey will not ba wilmng todo without them. Butaiterallsicklieai ACHE fis the bane of so many Uves that hero te whara "eraakeourgreatboast. Our pills cure itwhila Othersdonot. „ - Carter-a Litüe Llver Pills are very email ana ry easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pnrge, but by their gentle action pleaee all who nsethem. Invialsat25cents; flveiortl. BOW by druggiats everywhere, or eent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRIGE Beetuiiing. First Weck Secona Week WEAK faïEN INSTANT KELIEF. Cure in 14 daya. Never return. I will eend (sealed) CDCC to my süffereran propcription lilLt to enlarge small weafc ornans. A sure care for Emisslona, Lost Jlanhnwi, Nervous Deblllty. Varlcocele.eto. Aitdress G. B. WKIGHT, ■mie Dealer, Box 1339, Marshall, Mich. M na BngaWM The quiltine party and the B stae coach are played■ X mili T UtnCM i The telephone and ■ A yUILI lUAUCBDavis Family Qullting ._____ - H Machine are modern neIN 3 HQURS. Bcessities. MyQuiltlngMaI '" ""'■ H Chine is a new and valuaWJAII tH'ï'tliUH ' ' attnchracnt fcr all gewing machines, oue lady (not6 or 9) can make a ouill in Sbours; alboquilt children's cloaks; dressilnincf. etc Pend .OO and I will send you a machine by flrat expresa. Agenta wanted everywhere. F ircirculars and fnll information address HEKUY T. DAV1S, 30 W. Kandolph St., Chicago GET A TICKET -OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to a choice of the Home Instructor or the Life of General Sherman or the Lile of P. ï. Barnum (PREE) hen cash purcnaee to the amount of $15 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LARGE OCTAVO, 47S PAGES, ILLUSTRATÈD. A compendium of useful knowledfre necessary for the practical uses iof everyday bfe. A complete and perfect guideto life in public and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS"0F W. T. SHERMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, S68 PAGES. ILLUSTRATED. A grapbic narrativeqf his boynood and early life, èdueation. career in Florida and California, military aehievements, lile as a citi'en, last 6ickness and death; with fine uteel portrait. THE LIFE OF P. T. BARNUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, 620 PAGES, ILLÜSTRATED. His early life and struggles. bold ventures and brilliant success: his wonderful career, hls wit, genius and eloquence, his life as a citizen, etc- to which isadded hisfamous book, 27ie Art of Money Gettino. PageWovenWire Fence A Smootb Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stock ! ' The Best and Cheapest Fence for the Farm. Made in eizes from 24 to 68 inches high, either galvanized or paioted. Cali and Examine It And you will buy no other. M. STAEBLER, Ann Arbor.


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