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R. G. Merritt

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Chattel Mortgagee. 1 ( CUT THIS OUT a " Ril i ki &. ADrñT caí c r [f AND BRINQ T P 1 # ll C7L A GREAT SALE { (:) WITH YOU. %s# V# iwi B I H 3& AT RETAiL. r From all parts of the country to this greatChattelMortgageSale of fineTAILOR and READY-MADE CLOTHING ( Snow going on. Sales Rooms crowded all the time with eager buyers from everywhere. Twqpty extra salesmen ■ to-day and all the week. Everyone will be waited upon without delay. No let up. More crowded than Í ever. Come as early in the day as you can to avoid the rush later. The Chance of a Lifetime ■ ( "TO GET FINE FOB, NEXT TO NOTHINGk" ( f GREAT CHATTEL IVIORTGAGE SALE ( Ú of "Fine Tailor and Ready-Made Men's and Boys' Clothing." [ I 20 MOROE AVE Detroit Mih ( I j BIG FAILURE.- Aesignment of an Enormous Stock of High Class Clothing to be sold by order of theCourt ai retail, 50 per cent. lefs than actual coitto f facture. The entire stock of H. Goldberg, of Detroit, one of th largest and bett known dealers in fine clothing in Michigan. Mr. Gok Ltig has iaild and has been ■ (- i forced into bankruptcy, a circumtance brought about by the present tightness of th money market. The courts have crdered an immedinte disposal of his entire stock t I I for the benefit of the crtduora. This enormous stock of fine clothing will be sold atretail at 50 per cent. less than first cost. If yon want to secure a great bargain you must come to this Chattel Mortgage Sale at once. Don't miss it if you are in want of a fino Fall Suit or an elegant Fall and Winter Overcoat ■ % $73,000.00 Worth of FaU and Winter Clothing-. j ï H This is without any exception the very finest and choicest Select Stock of Ready and Tailor Made Clothing ever placed on public Sale in the United States, and ■ f . i everybody sliould take advantage of such an opportunity which occurs but once in a lifetime, and will surely not happen gain. i II Avail yourselvesof the opportunity to lay in astippiy of Clothing at once as the time is limited and the mortgagee will sell the stock at uo matter what sacrifice ' and regardlessof Cost or Value, in order to quickly settie the liabilities of the late Firrn'. ■ f ) . ïoucannot aflordto miss this Eale, and it will pay you to come hundreds of mile, as the Clothing here on sale is seldom, if i ver, fourid outside of first-class f I I Tailoring Euablishments. Sale continúes from day to day uutil all is Sold, and Remember, all must be sold immediately od the entire Stock will bc Positivelv Sacrificed without reserve. ■ ( I In order to give tlie public an idea of the marvelpus bargains to be had here for the next 20 days, a few prices are mentioned f { l Men's Storm King Ulsters $2.47, worth $8. Men's Dres Ulsters 85.37, cheap at $12. 'Men's Working Suits $2.47, former price S7.00. Men's Buainoss Suits $3.67, former price S9.00. Men's_Fine Cheviot aud Cassimere Suits, in doublé and single breasted, all the kteet styles, $5.72, [ ; 1 formerly sold from $12 to $14. Men's Imported English Clay Worsted Dress Suits, Bilk ond Satin Linccl, $9.58, dirt cheap at $22.00. Men's 1 ' Heavy Overcoais $2.35, worth $6.00. Men's Elegant "Winter and Fall Overcoata, in Beavers, Kcrseys and Mltoi.s, Ovenpats selling from'' ( 84.86 to $8.75, former price from $9.00 to $20 00. Men's Heavy Blue Cloth, Double-Breasted Suit?, $6.50, forirer prtco %1A. Men's Werking r {] Pants 74 ets., worth $1.50. Men's Business Pants 98 ets., worth $2.50. Men's Fancy Striped Trouscrs that foriceiiy tdd fer Í6 and $7, now going for $2.15. Boys' Long Pants Suits $2.35, worth $7.00. Children's Knee Pants Suits 84 ets., worth $2.50. Ohüdreu's Dreps Suits in (M Tricot and Cassimeres, Doublé Breasted, $1.98, cheap at $4.00. Children's Overcoats 64 ets., vortli $2.00. Cl.ildrci '.- Fine Dress Cape MP Overcoats in all the latest styles, from $2.86 to $4.15, forraerly eold for $6.00 to $10.00. Children's Kncc Penta L1 ets., v i na Í0 ets. nh dren's All-Wool Pants 39 ets., worth $1.00. Boys' Storm Ulsters $2.15, worth $6.00. IHJ FUENISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT.- Men 's Winter Underwear 29 ets., worth 50 ets. Men's Fbe Ctaad's Hair Underwear 1 49 ets., worth $1.00. Men's Scarlet and Natural Wool Underwear 65 ets., worth $1.50. Men's All-Woel Socks 2 pairs for 25 ets. Men's , [ J Wool and Silk Plush Caps for winter wear from 25 ets. to 75 ets., formerly sold from 75 ets. to 2.00. Men's Wcrkisg Shirts 24 ets., worth 50 ets. Men's All-Wool Jersey Shirts 69 ets., cheap at $1.50. Men"s Cardigan Jackets 72 ets., w rth $1.50. Mer's Overaüs snd Jackets 29 i J] ets., worth 60 ets. Men's Unlaunderied Shirts 39 ets., three for $1.00. Men's Soft Hals from 29 ets. to 98 ets., formerly Boid from 75 ets. to f Hp $2.00. Men's Derby StiffHats, the very latcst styles, from 69 ets. to $1.15, former price $1.50 to $3.00. l f And 100,000 otlier Extraordinarily Wonderful Bargain that cannot be mentioned liere, which must all 1 e sold in a fhon tin in order to make Cnsl settiement ( y j Don't delay. It ia truly a chance once in a lifetime. Don't wast a moment. Come as soon as eyer you can, ai ererytbing il] gorápidly. It will really pay you to come hundredi of miles to this ale. Kemember, it lasts ooly for n short time, and everything is sold at fifty (50) percent, li ss ün actual first cot f.f manufac(. 't ture. Cali and look; examine goodg and prices endjudge for yourself. Convince yourself of the aboye facts. Ycu need not bar if you don't v i-h to. You are f J come tocull and inspect the stock at any time, Don't hesitate. Time is precious and worth money in a sale of this kind. Teil your frieseis t come with you Everything must go regardless of cost or value, and at Fifty (50) per cent, less than cost. Come ! Come! ! Come ! tl !:' Great Chattel Mortgage Sale of Men's and Boys' Pine Clothing I f ] Sale continúes from day to day until all goods are sold. Sale opens each day 8 A. M. Closes 10 P. M. f


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News