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(CARTERS I I V LK jn CURE Rek Hoadache and relieve all the tronbleg Inofdont to a bilious Btate of the system, suoh a9 Dlzziness, Nausea, Drowslness, Distresa aftes eating. Pain In the 61de, kc. While their most remartahle success has bees shown ia ouring SICK Heaa&che, yet Carter' a Littlo Liver Plus ara equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre Venting thisaunoyingcomplaint, while theyalso Correct all diaorders of the etomachBtimulate tha ïver and regúlate the bowela. Eveniitheyonlj HEAD i ebs they wonld be almoet priceless to those wna i Buffer f rom this distressing complaint; but f ortucately thelrgoodnesa does notend here,and thosa who once try them will flnd these littlo pills valu ble in o nmny Traysthat they will not bo willlug todo without them. Eutafterallsickh6a4 ACHE Is the bane of bo many lires that here Is whera wemakeourgreatboast. Our pilla cure it wüila ethers do not. Carter'B Little Llver Puls are very email and Tery easy to take. One or two pills mako a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purgo, but by thelz gentle action pleaae all wha nsethm. In ylals at 2S cents ; tivoforll. Sold by dr uggiits everywliere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE IScglnníjig. First Wce&a Seeona Wbf WEAK LIEN INSTANT KEtteï". Cira in H days. never returns. 1 will een;: 2rnled) Pnce to my BufTerere a pr.-seription rif CC toenlarge small we.ik 01 ües. A sure cure forEmisslons, LOBt llanliüoj, Nervoiis DebUUr. Varicocele, etc. Aücre=s G. B. WKIGHT, '"" Peiler. Box I3S9, Warshall, Mich. Bstase coaca are played■ A fllf II T MAFIFB""1' The telephone and MR yUILI nlHUCBDavls Family Quilting I in uminn I Machine are modern neIH O flUURS, ■ MyQuiltinpMaL___ -,' , . W chine is a new and valuaW1fI?TBirrw1l1IWIHniniinrBTj ' " attachmont Lor all sewingmiichines. Oit Jady (not6or 9) can make a Sailt in ',i hours; also quüt children'B cloaks; dressningf, etc. Send Se.OO and I will send you a machine by flrst express. Asenta wanted everywhere. F .r circulars and full Information address HBNBY T. DAV1S, 3Ü W. Mandolph St., Chlcaeo GET A TICKET - - OF W. F. LODÏÏOLS 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to a choice of the Home Instructor or the Life of General Sherman or the Life of P. 'ï. Barnum (FREE) when cash purchase to the amount of $15 has been made THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LAROE OCTAVO, 478 PAQES, ILLUSTRATED. A compendium of useful knowledge nec-L-ssary for the practical uses of everyday Me. A complete and perfect guideto life In public and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS0F W. T. SHERMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphic narrativeof bis boyhood and early Ufe, education. career in Floridaand California, military achievements, life as a Citizen, last sickness and death ; with fine xteel portrait. THE LIFE OF P. T. BARNUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. His early life and strugrgles. bold ventures and brilliant success: his wonderful career, hls wit, g-enius and eloquence, his life as a citizen, etc- to whicb is adEed hisfamous book, The Art if Money Gcttina. PageWovgnWiro Fence A öniüoti Jteiiue iuai ... Turn Any Kind of Stock ! Tbe Best and Cheapest Fence for the Farm. Made in sizes from 'H to 58 inches high, either Ifalvanized or painted. Cali and Examine It And you will buy no otber. M. STAEBLER, A Tl Tl A-r-lifïT'


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