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Sunday Evenings At St. Andrews

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On the three remaining Sunday evenings of November, the Rev. E. M. Duff will speak in St. Andrews' Church on "The Gospel in Early Years: lts Leading Preachers as Men and her Workers." The subject will be presented in the following order: Nov. 12, "The Apostolic Companions," - Barnabas, Timothy. Titus and Apollo ; "Men of ike passions with you," Acts. 1415. Nov. 19, "The Apostolic Punis, "-Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, 3apias, - "Remember ye the words vhich have been spoken before by he Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ." St. Jude, verse 17. Nov. 26, "The Defender. of the Faith," - - Justin Martyr, Aristides, Irenaeus, - "We did not follow cunningy devised fables." II St. Peter, :i6. On the Sunday evenings in December, the Rev. Henry Tatlock will speak upon a subject to be announced later.