Choral Union Series
The readers of the Argus need but brief mention of this series, for it is one of Ann Arbor's most cherished institutions. The series this year will be fully equal to any in the past. The attractions are as follows: Nov. 16, Lillian Mordica, Maud Powell, J. Erich Schmaal; Dec. 19, Messiah, Mrs. Geneva Johnston-Bishop and Mr. S. R. Mills among the soloists; Feb. 16, Max Heinrich, the inimitable singer, assisted by Mr. Hermann Zeitz, the brilliant violinist; May 25, The "Manzoni Requiem" Verdi. One date is left free for the engagement of some attraction greater than is now available. The Daranation of Faust and "Redemption" representative works of French genius, followed by a production of a masterpiece of the Germán school (Lohengrin) will now be proceeded by the Manzoni Requiem, which marks the highest flight of Italian genius in this line. It is needless to urge upon the readers of the Argus the claims of this series, and we are confident that the support given this year will gladden the hearts of the members of the Choral Union. Regarding the artists who appear in the concert next Thursday evening we append some comments of the press. "If Patti had been announced to sing, the attendance could not have been larger; and, if Patti herself had sang, rnore enthusiasm could not have been rr.anifested. The house was literally sold out; and at the box office applicants for admission had to be turned away." - Chicago Herald, February 2, 1893. Mme. Nórdica, with her irresistibly fascinating voice, so mobile, s sympathetic, so pure in its timbre so highly cultivated, and so perfec in her method, fairly made th audience wild with enthusiasm. - Chicago Post, February 2nd, 1893 In the spring of 1885 Mau Powell returned home, considerin that she had learned about all tha teachers could teil her that wa vital to her art. Joachim told he that she must thenceforth depen upon herself; she must hear all th good music she could and stud night and day. She has followe this advice. At the first of th Philharmonic concerts of the seaso of 1885-86, Miss Powell, the seventeen years old, played th Bruch concerto. Her success wa immediate, and she was cornpli mented especially by the profes sional musicians who heard he play. It has often been said tha Miss Powell plays like a man, an she has a certain strength anc power chiefly noted in men players nevertheless, she possesses tender ness and poetry in a marked degree and it is this happy combination together with no end of the hardes kind of work, that has placed he at the head of women violinists. The tickets can be obtained a music stores, at Calkin's drug store, Moore and Westmores and at the office of the School of Music (Maynard St.). Price $2.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News