County And Vicinity
Clinton has a big lecture course. Poultry buyers are hustling around Dexter. E. N. Ball is enlarging his house in Hamburg. The muskrat is,, at work this year, building rather high. The Stockbridge Sun has put in a power printing press. Burg] ars got $75 worth of goods in Pinckney the other night. The Dexter News says a Chelsea man can't get shaved in Dexter. Robert Martin, of Superior, has a fine new milch cow for sale. Prof. Steere, of Pittsfield, raised twenty-seven acres of celery. Charles Kaercher, of Chelsea, lost the end of a thumb last week. Halloween was celebrated in Saline by the small boy with a vengence. Mrs. Hem-y Fullerton, of Whittaker, rau a wire nail in her foot the other day. Roy Thompson, of Chelsea. broke his wrist the other day by falling over a box. Five yoimg ladies have been confirmed in the Episcopal church at Hamburg. August W. Begole, formerly of Chelsea, died in Denver, Colorado, November 2. Charles Wheeler, of Nora, has married three of his girls in the past six months. Thomas R. Kyle has been appointed postmaster at Tecumseh, much to the satisfaction of the patrons of the Tecumseh office. Several hundred thousand dollars have been taken out of the county by the World's Fair. Mrs. Sarah Kelley, of Ypsilantitown, died on Wednesday of last week, aged eighty-seveu years. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M, E. church of Saline has elected Mrs'. D. H. Briggs president. New barns have been built in AuCusta this year by Aaron Fullertou, 3eter Stoneter, Thomas Tallady and trist Henning. Charles F. Burkhardt and Miss Care J. Davenport, of Saline, were mared Wednesday even ing of last week y Rev. C. S. Bullock. Miss May White, of Stockbridge, ho has boen sleeping nearly all the me during the past three years, is reovering. Stockbridge is very proud of iis new town hall, wliich cost. $5,XiO and has a fine auditorium, stage und drup curtain. The Stoc jbridge Sun of last week gi ves its reader a üne illustration of it. A large numberof Chelsea folks are atteuüing sciiuol i.] Aun Arbor this year. Misses Ilopkirs and Cranston, both of whom have held the position of preceptress in our schop], are taking work in the literary depatment. Miss Oraoston is also taking work in the school of music. Dorsey Hoppe, a gradúate af the Chelsea school, is also taking work in the literary department. Louis Stocking is taking advanced work in the Ann Arbor high school. VVill Stapish is in the dental department, while Ransom Armstrong is a senior pharmic. George Hathaway will gradúate next June from the dental department, Wm. W . Weckmeyer is a senior in the lilerarv department. Of lornaer gradiiates, Frank J. Riggs is pincticing law in the office of M. Leuman. Will-Conlan graduattd from the dental department last June, and lias been engaged in the practice of bis profession at Ann Arbor ever since. Herbert Dancer is a junior in the literary department. Walter Woods has just begim work in that department.- Chelsea Standard. "A cbemical success and medical triumph," so speaks au eminent physician in reference to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; aud the eulogy was none too strong. No other medicine is so safe and efficacious in all diseases of the throat and lungs.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News