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Ihdignant Manager - See here, Spriggs, you have got to g-et some new gaga. The audience will never stand them mouldy chestnuts you are giving 'em. You mig-ht as well understand right now that you ain't neither a senatgí.nor a bishop. See? Tlic Commandcr-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic Major George S. Merrill. Few remidies are better known in this vicinity than Sulphur Bitters; their sale has been very general throughout this section, and the number of reliable and well-attested cases of beneflcial results and recovery by their use is arge and beyoiid dispute. "Carrie," said the b'ashf'ul you'th, with a gasp. "If you liked somebody else about the same as you like me, WPJild„;-ou carp tpfiiarry.him?" It Cures. Parks' Cough Syrup cures coughs, colds, croop and whooping cough. The Standard home remedy in thousands of families for all hing diseases. Sold )y Eberbach & Sons. Little Johnny - May I hitch the dog to my sled and let him pull me? Mother - I'm afraid he'll bite you. Little Johnny - It's the other end I'm Ciii!r to Jiitch Sufferers from Piks sh Mild know that the Pyramid Pile Cu 'e will proraptly and effectually remove every trace of them. Any druggist will get it for vou. An exchange says a man's full mental power is not reached before the age of 25. Either this is wrong, or the college freshman has been misiníormaá.íiJ;o. himself . Fot Over Flfty Years Mrs. WinsIjOWs Soothtnq Syrup has been used for childien teething. ]t soothes the cbild, softens the guras, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea,. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the ivorld. Watts - How do you spell whisky - k-y or k-e-y? Potts- K-y. Same as Kentuckr. His Second Wife Told him tlie secret of ber good bealth' She used "Parks' Tea" every night. Sold by Eberbach & Sons.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News