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Hood's Cures

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Even When Called Incurable Terrible Seige-Sciattc Rheumatlsm Mr. Arthur Siman 01 Galatea, Ohio. "They said I was incurable, the doctors dld, but the result has proven that Hood's Sarsaparilla was nble to cnr. I had Sctatio Eheumatism and was confined to mybed six months. Three physiciaus did uot help me and I Was Civen Up to Die When I was in thls terrible condiüon, unabls to mor hamd ar f oot, I began to taka Hood's Sarsaparilla. The first bottle had a llttle effect, and while taking the second, I gained so rapidly that I could sit up in my chair. My system liad been so run down by other medicine that it took me quite a while to recupérate. By the time I had taken four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, I could walk round, and now, as I have taken six bottles, I Au cnred and can do a good day's work. I do not f eell can praiss Hood's Sarsaparilla enough." Akthub Simon, Galatea, Ohio. HOOD'S PlLLS ar the beat aiter-dinaer Filis, assist digestión, cure headache. Try a box.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News