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C. Eberbach & Sons

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Agent s. ■ - y THE ELIXIR OF YCryTHí C I íYa llínníh 1 TuiñnT W", t%f ' " llo nul blí blVIÍIfl u ft -JB&ÊB ' S isnot if j'oaarsnot In possesslon of the frli Cl ELÍXIR OF Yo3ñt 9 lg , ygsajM - -'ri'1 Enaifisions üihI til t i . , , , t"1" ' " ■ -' llsb do narnes, but hve m dt nialsof the wonderful results produced by viiiselixir, %hjcii Wc ïü muü . application oí auyoue requiring such a medicine. BE A ftiAifó AC.ASN. We charle no exhorbitant price, nor do we offer you a quaci: nostni: -i but ■■ ■rite and scleutlflc preparatioa, which willsurely do all we claim for it. Tne i '., ■ i 1 Ín 4oz boules, and retalla tor Ï1.U0, or (i for?5.ÜO. This valuable remedy will be fouutí uu salí by all leKdlng druKgista. Each druggist has on file swora tesUmonialsot thewoiiáerml oiuea produoed by thls Elixir, and the proprletors confldenfly reíer all in need of it lo thoni. The Germán Hospital .Remedy Co., Grand Rapids. Mich. For Sale by all Druggists.


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