Every Man whose watch has been rung out of the bow (ring), by a pickpocket, Every Man whose watch has been damaged by dropping out of the bow, and Every Man of sense who merely compares the old pullout bow and the new will exclaim: "Ought to have been made long ago!" Itcan't betwistedoffthecase. Can only be had with Jas. Boss Filledand other cases stamped with this trade mark &s& Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co., Philaddphia. ê MODEL FORM , CORSETS. Fashionable Lailie ! Weai Theni. Dres-Makers Recommenil Tlicm. Lea'iing Merchants Sell Thera. They are the only Conet ever made that will fully supply the itflcitndei Of h UU, lllSder llgw nd produce the fashionablc contour. They are of great valuc n allowing Dam Naturi to fulfillher mission of develOllf MOdel FOfni accompl'ishéd when "pads" MOa 850. are used. They will reduce the size, correct the shape and upport the buit of tht COrpulont lady, with entire satisfaction. Price Í1.00 to $5.00. If not obtainablc from your merchant, send for our IUuttraUd Price. Lijt. Manufactured only by the SCHILLING COBSET CO„ Detroit, Mlch. Garfield Tea is Cures Sick Headacho.Bestores Complex ion. Save s Doctors' Bills. 8ampleíree. Garfield Tra Co.. 319 W.tóthSt.,N.Y. Cures Constipation Why Suffer? When you can be Cured , Thousands are suffering with Torpid Liver-the symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indigestión, Constipation, Headache. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a reliable remedy for Liver Disorders. It cures thousands every ye?.r; why not try Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator? Your Druggist will supply you. NEVER A. FAIIAJRE. The Red Eiver Vallev of Jlinnesota and North Dakola has never had a f ailure of crops. It produced 30,000,000 busheils of wJieat besiiles other cereals in 1.890. Farms can be had on the erop plan, or long time cash payments. It is not ari uncomrnon thinj? to pay for a farm from the proceeds of one cr4It has all of the advantages of an old country in the shape of school, church, market, postal Araalway faoilities and all the chances of a new country in the way of cheap lands, rich soil, and increase in values. It is one of the most fertile and promising regions in America not y et fully occupied. In the rush to the f ar west, however, this rich valley has been over-looked. It has room for a million more people. Write to F. I. WHITNEY, St. Paul, Minn for particulars. Publications sent free. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, A.(?eut tor the followiuR Firt Clase Companies represeuting OTer twenty-fcight rillioti Dollars. Aasets, isnues poHciea a( tho lowest raten iEtna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N. Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,696,679.00 National, liartford 1 ,774,605.00 Pheuix, Nr . Y 3,769,086.06 4E9"Sp$ áttendOQ giveo w iho insurunc? ui dwelli:ii;s, schoola.chiirebes uu) public hiiildinfr in tennM of ihre' ami veiitn VI? ö YOU WANT A FARM Ifi i ÜjO IN THE WEST. p 3fl t ■■B Well, the new paper issued by the p ÜH CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. [ ijg SJA&&S1S 3S3 WESTERíí SETTLER, t ■ j teilsallaboutitandwillbesentFKEE ' : Addrt'ss John SEBASTIAN, Gön. Ticket & t ■ ' Passuntcer Agent. Uliicaüo, Kook Island j : ami l'milic Kallroad. Chicago, lili TRUCK l STCRAGE C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Office, 46 Fourth Ave., North Telepbone 82.
Ann Arbor Argus
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