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Manchester is to have a new doctor. Mr. Wm. Rehfuss is laid up with rheumatism. Walter Wheeler, of Adrian, is visiting at (J. Millen 's. Mis. G. Jedele spent a few days visiting relatives in Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mis. O. A. Waite visited friends in Ypsilanti and York. A great many of the little ones are having the chicken-pox and mumps. Miss Lillian Wheeler, of Hartford, Conn., is visiting C. Millen and family. Miss Keek and mother, of Scio, visited relatives in town the first of the week. Miss Emma Engel and brother John visited at Jackson the first of the week. Mrs. Henry Cash, of Brooklyn, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaible drove to Jackson last Sunday to visit her brother. Mr. and Mrs.P. Lehman, of Chelsea, visited relatives in town last Saturday and Sunday. The union services held at the Baptist church last Sunday evening were well attended, and the exercises were interesting. Mrs. B. Ryan and grandson, who for some time have been visiting relatives in Manchester and vicinity, returned to Detroit last Monday. At the meeting of the Alpha Sigma last Monday evening the subject of the debate was, "Resolved, that the Indian had received more cruel treatment from the hands of the white than the negro." It was decided in the negative. Last Sunday the remains of Mrs. C. Haag, of Jackson, were brought to this place for burial. Mrs. Haag was the daughter of Mr. B. Herman, and for many years lived at this place. She had been ill but a few hours, and died very suddenly. The funeral was held at the Emanuel church, Monday, and was largely attended. She was 34 years old, and leaves a husband and two children, besides a large circle of friends, to mourn the loss of a dutiful wife and loving mother.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News