It is Strange That people suffering from Piles will endure them for years or submit to dangerous, painful, cruel, and expensive surgical operations, when all the time there is a painless, certain lasting cure, which gives instant relief and costs but a trifle. It is called the Pyramid Pile Cure and can be found at all drug stores. Any druggist will get it for you if you ask him. Many there be who buy nothing with their money but repentance. t Modest appearance, good humor and nrudence a n-entleman. Gatarrh Cannot be Gured witta LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as tliey cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarro is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it yoti must take internat remedies. Hall'a Catarrb ('ure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Oure is nofc a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physiciana in this country for years. and is a reguj lar prescription. It is composed ol the best t-onics known. combined with the best blood purifiers, actinj? directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combi nation of tlie two ingredients is what produces such wonderful resulta in coiinft catanh. 8end for testimoniáis, f ree. F. J. CriKNKY & Co., Toledo, O. fggr Sold by all Druggists, 75c. No man can be truly brave who is not to be trjily ffoocl. - Une Lady Soy I have been troubled for years with a hacking eoiigh. llave had rnany doctors and nïed Ö0 ciHigli eures. I grew worse all the time. 1 tried Parks' Cougli Syrup and frftmd immediaterelief. It begins ai tlie bottom oí' the disease, and I know it is tliet)est cough remedy on tlie market. liefer any sufferèr to Mrs. W. J. Fahey, Le Rey, N. Y. Sold by Eberbach & Sons. The V'.cTr- Jü, ihafs your boy, Smithers'? And what's he g-oing-to be? A shoemaker like yourself? Smithers -Oh, no! sir. He's uncommon fond oí animáis, you see; so we're thinking of inftiri7u him a batcher. ChildrenGryfor Pitcher's Castoria.
Ann Arbor Argus
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