y-TX " It malers me -. pSji tiredl I?eopleask BSri3!? me - is marriage V".Y--SM afailure! Of - coiirso 't'aüit ; BSjV''r sf s'pose I don't ' 't I know my biz - ' I what ain I here [,, L f orí" Ifthewol ' , men only keep V healthy they keep -A in gcoil spirits f I l and etipid is in I jL-1 demand Lot Y l o_J e ver y enfeebled jiï sr? woman know this 5 _j - thero's a reinedy " -s[that'll euro her, ' the proof's positive. It does what is promised. Here's the proof - if it doesn't do you good witlün ï-easonablo time, report the fact to its makers and get your money back without a word - but you won't do it ! The remody is Di-. Pierce's Favorito PreBcription- and it has proved itself the right remedy in nearly every case of female weakness. It is not a mirado. It won't cure everything- but it has done more to build up enieebled and broken-down women than any othex' medicine known.
Ann Arbor Argus
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