California in 3i-2CDays. Over two-thirds of the distance between the Atlantic and Pacific in half a week. Such is the record made by travelers between Chicago and the Pacific Coast via the North Western Line, the quickest route for visitors to the Midwinter Fair. Palace Drawing-room Sleeping Cars leave Chicago daily, and run through to San Francisco without change, dining cars serving all meals en route. Tourists sleeping cars, offering an exceptionally favorably opportunity for making the trip in a most corafortable and economical manner, are also run. Completely equipped berths can be procured by passengers holding either first or second-class tickets, at a cost of only $4.00 per berth from Chicago to San Francisco and other California points. The hour of departure from Chicago affords a prompt connection with trains from the East and South. First-class one way and excursions tickets, good returning nine months from date of sale, also second-class tickets at extremely low rates, sleeping car reservations and full information can be obtained of any ticket agent, or by addressing W. A. Thrall, General Passenger and Ticket Agent Chicago & North - Western R'y, Chicago, 111. A New Certatn Cure for Piles. We do not intend to endorse any except articles of genuine merit; we therefore, take pleasure in recommending to sufferers from Piles in any form, a prompt and permanent cure. The letters speak for themselves. Mrs. Mary C. Tyler, of Heppner, Ore., writes; One pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure entirely cured me of piles from which I have suffered for years, and I have never had the slightest return of them since. Mr. O'Brien, Rock Bluffs, Neb., says: The pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure entirely removed every trace of itching piles, I cannot thank you enough for it. The Pyramid Pile Cure is a new, certain, painless cure for every form of piles. It is safe, sure and cheap. Any druggist will get it for you in you ask him. All Bis that Puls Are good for are treated more successfully by Parks' Tea. It is not a cathartic; 110 griping or pain, yet moves the bowels every day. Sold by Eberbach & Sons.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News