To Return Thanks
Lansing, Nov. 9. - Governor Rieh has fasued the following Thanksgiving proclamation: To the people of the state of Michigan, Kreeting: Inpursuance of a time-honored custom, I do hereby appoint Thursday, Nov. 30, as a day of thanksgiving to almighty God for the blessings which he has bestowed upon the people of this commonwealth during the present year. You are requested to abst-ain from all labor and business, except of necessity and charity, and to assemble at your respective places of worship for the proper observance of the day and occasion. In the preparation of those joyous family gathenngs, around the tables sup Ídied with the luxuries of all cuines, do not ail to remember in a substantial manner the needy, sick and afflicted, that they, too, may have reasons for thanksgiving. Let the day be so observed that all may have cause for thankfulness; those who have an abundance, for that abundance and the privilege of aiding those who want; and those who want for the generous giving. Given under my hand and the great seal of the state at the capitol in Lansing, this 8th day of November, in the year of our Lord 18SJS, and of the independence of the United States the 117th. Governor. Bv the Governor: Secretary of State.
Ann Arbor Argus
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