Primary School Funds
Laxsino, Nov. 9.- The semiannual apportionment of primary school funds will be announced by the superintendent of public instruction today. The total amount to be apportioned is $475,000. The nuiuber of school children in the state between the age of 5 and 20 is B75.006, but owing to forfeitures for not keeping the requisito nuinber of months Bchool in certain districts, the apportioument is made to only 673,175. The amount is 70 cents per pupil. The amonnt of the apportionment made last May was 5519.741, or 75 cents apiece. Over $100.000 in primary school fünds will, therefore, be disbiysed this year, and it is estimated that the aggregate for next year will be at least 1,100,000.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News