E. A. Wallace & Co.
struc likt a CYCLONE ! That is the way the p eople appreciating good goods at low prices came at us. Hundreds were turned away I and could not he waited on. Saturday all day our store was packed, jammedJEull, so that one could hardly move. Hard times are here, henee all the more reason for saving in the necessities of life. That is the kind of merchandise we are selling - and selling it at go low a price that all can make their winter purchases now. Don't wait. Don't be foolish. This sale is bona fide. We bonght the goods at 40c on the dollar and can afford to sell them cheap. Think of it - Good. Grey Underwear, shirts and drawers, - - 19c. Good White and Grey Underwear, shirts and drawers, - 34c. Extra Q,uality, white, grey and camel's hair Underwear, shirts and drawers, formerly 75c, now 48c. Fancy Colored Shirts and Drawers, formerly $1, now - 57c Good Woolen Mitts, 19c. Leather Faced Mitts, ._--.. 37 Buck Leather Faced Mitts, formerly 75c, now - - 48c. Good Gloves, formerly 75c, now - : - - 37c. Another Lot of Gloves, formerly 75c, now - - 48c. Winter Caps at _-...__ i9C Good Scotch Caps, Windsor shape, at 33c. Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, at 6c. Best Black Cotton Hose, at ------ 33c. Remember, each and every article in the house will be sold cheaper than other merchants can buy them at. Every article must and will be sold by December 1. It takes prices to make them move, and we are doing it. Prices are so low, it would bring a blush to your face to expect them for' less. Join the procession, brijig your cash, buy what you need, and above all buy them at the o1d stand of The Two Sams, and you will do a wise thing.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News