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One Hundred Dollars

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In Casli to be Distributed amone: Our Customers in Four Parts, ISt $40; 2d, $30; = ■3jU2Mth. $10. The following is the marnier of distribiition: Our show windijw contains a sixty day doek. This wil; be set going o;, the moining of September 28th. 1 he person guessing the time or oearcst the time this will stop is entitled to the firsl part of the amoimt to be distribuid; the next closest wi[l receive the second part; the third the thiid part and the Iburth the fourth part. A ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE entitle, vou to one gwess. (ive dollars to two uesses, en dollars to three guesses, fifteen doilars to four gutsses, etc. , elc. We are anxious to advertise our fine stock of Clothin,', Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishings and believe this to be a very effective way. We have always been leaders in f!t and valüe. Remember we do not advertise cheap goods hut jdod goods cheap. You should see the beautifu] ibtngs we have in Suits and OvercoatF. We aie so;e agents for the Harvard ulster. WADHAÜS, RYAÑ & REULF.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News