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CILLETT Quickest and Best NONE BUT MAGIC WILL MAKE BREAD THAT PREVENTS DYSPEPSIA. NO OTHER EQUALS OR APPROACHES IT IN LEAVENING STRENGTH, PUR1TY, AND WHOLESOMENESS. I PILLS " CURE Bek Headache and relieve all the trcrablaa ÜW ent to a bilioua Btate of the system. ucn a Bizztaess, Nausea, Drowsinesu. Distress aftes attoK. Pain in the Side, &c Whllo their moa lemariable succes tas been hown la otuasg , SICK Eeaaaehe, yet Carter'a Llttle Llver Pilla ara equally valuable in Constipation, oiring and pra venting thiaannoj-tagcomplaint,-while they also coiTectalldisordersofthestoniach.Btimulatetha Jiver and regúlate the bowels. Eveniitheyonlj HEAD .AebetheywonldbealmostpricelesstothosawlK I uier from thia distressing complaint; but (ortunatolytheirgoodnessdoeanotendhere.andthoso rtoonce trj ?ttom will flnd these litUe puls vala. eble ta so many wayB that they will not ba .wilaing todo without them. But af teraJlslck hea4 ACHE f&the bane of bo many Uves that here fa vrheta "emakeonrgreatboast. Ourpillscureitwhüa ethers do not. Carteas Uttle Liver Pilla are very sm&ll and : Tery easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, butby their gentle action pleaseaU wlio nsethem. InviaUat25cents; fivefor$l. Sola fey draggiits everywlLere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLP1LL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE WEAK MÑ INSTANT RELIEF. C-ire in 14 days. Never retnrns. I will ueod (31 nled) CDCB to my suffercre a p és.-ription rntc to enlarge small weak c::v:::5. A Bnre cure for Emlsslons, lost ilarVu-:, ííervcrasDebüIty, Varieocele, etc. 3 G-. B. WBIGHT, Mmlc Dealer, BOX 1380, tearshall, WiCh. M- mmMMIi The quiltir.e party and the ■""""IB n stae coach are playedfli nilll T HlREacnt' Tbe telephone and I .. ...._ H Machine are modern neIN 3 HOURS. Bcessities. MyQuiltlngMaj ni v "J;"" Wl chine is a ncw and valúaBliP8BBMKW8MWBaM ble attachmcnt for all ewingmiicnincs. One "v (not6or9) can make a oniltin 3 honra; also quilt ehüdren's cloaks; dressñnintís. etc. Send íSB.OO and I will send you a machine by flrst expresa. Agents wanted everywhere. F ircircularsand ful! inlormation address HÜXKÏ T. DAV1S, 30 W. Kandolph St., Chicago GET A TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to a choiceof the Borne Instructor or the Life oí General Sherman or the Life of P. T. Barnum (FHEE) when cash purchase to the amoiint of $15 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LARGE OCTAVO. 47S PAGES, ILLUSTRA 'ÏËD. A compendium of useful knowledpe nectssary for thepracticRlueesof evep-day lite. A complete and perfect guide to life ín putille and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS"OF W. T. SHERMAN. OBOWN OCTAVO, 668 PAGES, ILLUSTRATEL). A (fraphio narrative of his boyhood and early life, education. career in Floridaand California, military achievemeuts, lite as a Citizen, last sicknees and death; witli fine xteel portrail. 1HE LIFE OF P. T. BARNUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTltATED. His early life and strug-prles. bold ventures and brilliant success: his wonderful oareer, hi9 wit, genius and eloquerjoe, his life as a citizen, etc - to which is added hisfamous book, The Art nf Money Getting. PageWBVsaWirgFence A Smooth JPeuce tiiat Wiil Turn Any Kind of Stock! ' The Best and Cbeape6t Fence for the Farm. Made in sizes (rom :'A to 5ÍÍ inches higli, either gralvanizcd or painted. Cali and Examine ït And you will buy no other. M. STAEBLER, Ann Arbor.


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