Additional Local
The subject of the morning discourse at the Baptist church next Sunday morning by the pastor, Rev. A. S. Carman, will be "The Promise and the Peril of a Religious Revival." In the evening the subject will be, "The Brink of Eternity," with allusion to a remarkable incident of the recent terrible railway disaster at Battle Creek. Tomorrow evening Hon. Jerry Sirapson will lecture in University Hall. The populist congressman from Kansas will talk on "Some of the Causes of the Decline in Agriculture." lncidently he will touch on the Transportation and LandMonopoly problems. Mr. Simpson has been stumping Kansas for some time, and will come here fresh from a speech-making tour. A little Saginaw boy, five years old, whose parents are well known in this county, went to market with his mother one morning and when they started for home he said to the horse, "Get up damn-it." "Why George!" said his mother who was shocked, "Where did you hear that bad word?" "Why mamma that is what the drivers say; most all the horses are named Damn-it!" Three colored men held Ed. Kennedy up on Detroit street, near the Diehl house, about six o'clock on Tuesday night, relieving him of a watch. The colored men threatened to shoot Kennedy if he made any noise and didn't fork over. Officer Peterson arrested Frank Brown, a colored jig dancer, who while partially confessing, refuses to divulge the names of his companions. Emanuel Fred Staebler, son of Pred Staebler, died yesterday of typhoid fever, aged twenty-one years. He entered the dental department of the university this f all. He was a member of the Ann Arbor Light Infantry and was highly esteemed by, those who knew him. The funeral services will be held in St. Andrew's church at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. There will be no services at the house. A banquett will be given by the Ladies of the Maccabees, Tuesday evening, November 14, to celébrate the 2nd anniversary of Arbor Hive, No, 113, L. O. T. M. Miss Emma E. Bower acts as toastmast'er. Toasts will be responded to by Mrs. Lillian W. Hollister, Gt. L. C, of Detroit; Miss Bina M. West, Gt. L. L. C, Port Huron; Dr. Emma G. Cook, Gt. Med. Ex., Detroit; Mrs. Lydia Mills, Ann Arbor; Miss Margaret V. Bower, Ann Arbor; Mrs. M. Golden, Ann Arbor. Recitations will be given by the Misses Matie and Lois Ticknor and Nellie Mingay; paper by Mrs. F. E. Mills. Music will be f urnished by the Misses Lucy Cole, Taylor, Liebig and Hadritz. Admission, 25 cents; tickets on sale at Brown's and Goodyear's drugstores and A. D. Seyler's shoe storel
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Emanuel Fred Staebler