Maynard Defeated
New York, Nov. 8. - Isaac H. Maynard. candidate on the Democratie ticket for judge of the court of appeals, against whoiu the independent democrat8 have waged war most bitter and unrelenting, has been surprisingly and ( y :rwhelminf?ly def eated. In New "Vtrk city he ran 35,000 behind his ticket, in Brooklyn over 18,000 and in Erie connty several thousands. Almost without exception the returns froni every part of the state show he wan heavily scratched. The result seeins to be that he has been defeated by a pluralitv close in the neighborhood of 65,000. Practically complete returns indÃcate that the entire Republican state ticket is elected by 20,000 plurality and that the legislatnre will be Republican by a large majority. Governoi Flower, Richard Croker and the New York Sun concede that the Republicana have Bwept the state. In New York city good order was maintained at the polls throughout the day, but serious riots are reported from other portions of the state. Josiah E. West, a prominent citizen Laingsburg. was shot by a policeman in one of these melees, and a nian was knocked down and seriously injured at L'ong Island City. In the First ward of Bufifalo over 200 policemen and special deputies were detailed to keep order, but it is claimed the most outrageous abuses of the ballot were permitted by the inspectora of election.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News