ANOTHEE GLOAK SURPRISE ! Another Big Purchase at 50c ON THE DOLLAR. The following communication explains itself; OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN CLOAK CO. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Cloaks, Mantles and Wraps. 71 and 73 Green St., New York, N. Y. Messrs. Mack & Schmid, Ann Albor, Michigan. Gentlemen: - In pursuance of your telegram to me the other day, I have placed your offer of 50c on the dollar for all this season's garments before my firm and it has been accepted; It is like giving them to you, but we desire to wind up our business for the season and you eau have any advantage to be derived from them. They all go out at once. Yours very truly, C. E. POUCHER, Of American Cloak Co. The entire shipment has been received hy us and is now on sale at priees never known in the cloak trade. Saturday Sale Dress fioods. 6c. 36-inch New Suitings, shown for the first time in this sale, will be sold all day Saturday for 6c. MkM. gBSt KB& ■ ■ ■ m MM Morplilne hablt BH ffl □ tg Hfl cured in 10 to ao I N ma E M clays. 30,000 cases H SP"' H ■mm cured. Hook of tes■ ■I ümoDlals free. No W ■ m Wyr ■ W ■ ■■;. uu 1 irfd. J. té. ST Kl'H ESiji, SI. l., lbanoii, Otaio.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News