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Schairer & Millen

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Leaders of IiOW Prices. PTJÏJPIjlïP At the Busy Store of f Ultluiiübu! SCHAIRER & MILLEN. 50 pieces Fine Dress Goods consisting of some of the newest weaves in Granite Cloths, Fancy Jacquards, Crepons, Serges and AU Wool Fancy Plaids. These Goods have sold as high as 50c and 75c a yd. You get your piek of the I entire collection at 39c. a varcl. 1 1 I ' ■& $f$Wt iWf ftpjt Jff ■We' In Onr Cloak Department. A Great eule of Manufacturera' sample Jacketa, no duplicates, made froni the best materials, wlth the new skirt effect . Fur and Braid TrlmminR, black, blue and brown. All have the gtylish Worth collar. The prieea we make, $10.00, $12.60 and $15.00, wlll soon close them out. 75 Ladies' Jackets in Beaver and Cheviot Cloths, 34 inches long, full back, new storm collar, large leeves, identically the same garment as sold by us all the season at $8.00, our price now 15.00. 8 Children'8 Long Coats in a variety of cloths worjth $S to $10, our prlce now Ï&.OG. Special offorings in Fur Capes, just received. HANDKERCHIEFS. 50 dozen Ladies' H. S. Plain White and Fancy Barder Hdkfs for 5c, 50 dozen Ladies' H. S. and Embroidered Hdkfs., worth 10c, for 5c. 50 dozen Ladies' H. S.'and Inltlal Hdkfs., worth 10c, forse. 25 dozen Ladies' Rlbbed Vests and Pauts in Gray and Crcam for 2ñc a garment.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News