A Wedding Anniversary
William P. Groves, of Northfield, was surprised last Saturday by a small company of friends who came in to help him celébrate his birthday. Forty years ago a visiting association, consisting of about fifty young married couples, was organzed in the vicinity of Mr. Groves; and ofteti his large house was well crowded with the young and merry members of this association. The guests present at this birthday gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Hascal jaraway, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doty, vlr. and Mrs. Treadwell, Mrs. Eliza ritzsimons, Mrs. Temperance Renwick, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pray. Besides those present at this gathering there are still living of the ifty families only three or four )ersons. It was a gathering of such survivors of the old assoaiation as were able to leave their homes.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
William P. Groves
Temperance Fitzsimmons Renwick