Young Men's League
A Young Man's League was organized in this city last Tuesday evening. The league is the outcome of several meetings held during the past year for the purpose of establishing a Y. M. C. A. for the resident young men of the city, and is a preliminary step toward that end. Officers were elected at the Tuesday evening meeting, and a devotional meeting was decided upon for next Sunday, November 19, at 3 p. m. , to be held in Lyra Hall, over the First National Bank. The officers elected were: President, Chas. W. Wagner; ist dent, Vernor L. Snauble; 2nd vicepresident, E. E. Calkins; secretary, Nathanial Stanger; treasurer, T. C. Severance. An earnest invitation is extended to all young men, and it is urged that as many as possible be present at this meeting. The movement is one that should receive tfie hearthy support of all.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News