Brotherhood Of St. Andrew
The ürst meeting of the Michigan State Assembly of the Brotherhood oí St. Aiudrew, will assemble ia Haorris Hall, In this city, on "Wedjiesday next, November 22 d. Representativos f rom chapters all over the state will be present, and preparatkms are being made for a proíitable time. It is expected that there will bs eome 75 or more delégate at tihis meeting, and the time will be mostly spemt in discussing metihois and plans of work. The following programme has been propared Por tJie meeting : 2:00o'clock. Business sesslon. 1:00 " Dinner. 2:00 " Opening and charge by Bishop Davies. 2:30 " Conference of the Brotherhood. lts fundamental principies and its basis of work. o. Praver. b. Service. 3:15 " The Chapter and its Methods of work. o. Reception, b. Visiting. c. Hotels, rf. Meetings. General Discussion. 4:15 " Conference on Bible Classes. a. How to organize them. b. How to conduct them. 5:30 " Question Box. 6:00 " Slipper. 7:45 " The Mission of the Brotherhood. a. To.the Clergv. b. To Churchraen. c. To all Men. General Discussion. The afternoon and evening sessions tví.11 be opeai ix tihe public, young meai especially beiing urged to attend, as it is au orgunization oí aüd for young nieo). In tJie evening there wlO be soine quJte prominent speakers, includimg Mr. White, of Harvard, University, Mr. Haines, of Indianapolis, naid crtJiers.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News