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Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works

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[official.] Office ofthe Board of Public Wokks, f Ann Abbok Nov. 8,1893. Kegular session. Called to order bv Pres. Keech. Roll called. Full Board present. Minutes of the previous meetincf read and approved. Sidewalfc Inspector Sutherland rexrted thathe had personallyinspected ;he sidewalks which had not as yet been constructed, on the south side of East University avenue, in front of the property of A. L. Noble, John E. Miner, and Fred C. Erown; on the south side of Volland street, in front of the following property, Charles J. Sclnnidt, Mrs. Clarissa Johnston,Mrs Peter Lang, Mrs. Olivia B. Hall, A J. Kitson, Henry Kenney, Mis. L. J. Johnson, and Mis. Jane Ottley; on the west side of Ashley street in front of the property of Philip Viesel; on the north side of Geddes avenue in front of the property of Frederick Sehmid, Emma James, Francés St. Johns, Catherine Parsons and C. H. Kenney: and that such sidewalks ought to be built without delay. Mr. Keech moved that the report be received and flied, and the street cornmissioner is heieby ordered to take the necessary steps to build all sidewalks so i-eported not built to this Board, also on W. Huron street, north and south sides. Yeas - Messrs. Keech, Schuh and Mclntyre. The clerk was directed to notify the sewer committee to be present at the meetings of the Board of Public Works. H. T. Morton, Secretary of the Ann Arbor Street Bailway Co., asked to have several crossing fixed so that they can use scrapers on their tracks. Keferred to Mr. Schuh and street commissioner. A communication from the Ann Arbor Gas Co. was read notifying the Board of Public Works and the street commissioner that it claimed title to street running from Depot to Summit streets, between Fifth avenue and Beakes street. and would hold the board and street commissioners responfible for any damage done to the alley. On motion the Street Commissioner was ordered to consult with the city attorney and act under his directions. On motion of Mr. Keech, the Clerk was directed to ask for prices on one mul ;i half ton pig lead. On motion the Board adiourned. Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News