County And Vicinity
Two Milán young ladies on horse back, were "shot" last week - by a photographer. The supervisors lowered the val uation of Saline $15,000 below tha of last year, and Saline sits down under the affront without a word o protest. Frank Shattuck, of Plymouth, has purchased a cork-leg. He claims that as yet it is deficiënt in blood circulation, but thinks it is improving, every day. Hallowe'en annihilationists looted a barrel of crackers from a Saline store. If detected they will probably findan extra "cracker" för thcm in justice court. Mrs. Ada Pepper, of Milan, raised this year, all by her own main strength, three wagon loads of beets. Beets to be healthy should be well peppered. These were. Mrs. Herman Kress, of Ann Arbor, by strict attention to one particular thing has just succeeded in breaking her left leg for the third time, in precisely the same place. The marshal of Milan and four deputies, patrolled the corporation Hallowe'en night, to prevent depredations, and yet the city was never so nearly turned inside out, as on that holy eve. In a fight on a-hand car, between section men on the T. & A. A. road, near Northfield last week, Ed. Winters was "tunked" on the head with an iron wrench, by Mike O'Conner. Winters' life is despaired of. Twelve nails in the track of a boot heel, last week, landed a whole of Pittsfield grain thieves be■ hind the lattice. How uncertain are all things here below I Espe' cially for a grain thief with twelve nails in his boot heel. ( ■ ' The hearts of the U. of M. football team have been in their boots, ever since their defeat by the Minnesota crowd. The story about the sil ver states being all broke up, over the repeal of the Sherman act, is a dodgasted no such thing. At the Arm Arbor M. E. church last Sunday evening, the choir rendered the oldest written piece o] music in the world - "Yigdol Ehloim" - recently brought from the British museum. It's an excellent piece, no doubt, but "Anna Rooney" can "knock the stuffing" out of it, and it's nowhere "After the Ball." ■s # Tonight the Hon. Jere Simpson, of Kansas will explain to the university students, "The cause of the decline of agriculture." It strikes us that the Hon. Jere's vociferations on that subject are uncalled for, inasmuch as about everyone knows that from the moment the sockless sage dropped the hoe and took to silk hose, agriculture has reeled like a drunkard. Under the city ordinance pigs can now be kept in the city limits until April next, provided the pens are kept perfectly clean. - Ann Arbor Argus. It is gratifying to note that at last the hogs and the Ann Arbor coüncil can lie down togetherin peace. "Behold ñow good a thing it is, and how pleasant, for brethern to dweil together in unity!" Bill Mulholland, of Dixboro, the great big cowardly beast, who so cruelly beat and kicked his wife and afterwards made his escape, has at last been arrested. If he does not get full justice in court "may the devil fly away with him!" The Washtenaw Times describing Mulholland's brutality to his wife says: "She has just been able to get around. He had knocked her down in the barn yard and dragged her by the hair of her head to the house. He pulled great locks of hair out of her head and kicked some of her teeth out. After she got to the house and into bed with her child, he poured six pails of water on her head and pounded her with the pail. Every time she begged for mercy he kicked her-"
Ann Arbor Argus
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