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Minnie McAdatn spent Saturday at Clinton. Wiïl Marx and Will Sloat have gone to Chelsea to work. Ella Lehn visited the flrst oL the week in Tecumseh. August Nisle, of Ann Albor, spent Sunday with nis párente. A great many children are sick with the chicken-pox and severe colds. Ella Braun is spending a part of her vacation visiting relatives at Jackson. Grace Smith went to Saline last Friday to make her parents a short visit. Nellie Brooks, of Sharon, is attending the High school, and Frank Gieske the Gratnmar. G. Lovejoy is doing great business in buying and killing chickens for the Boston market. Barret Kobinson, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday visiting relatives and rienda in town. N. Schruid and W. Kimble, went to L'entecost a few daya .last week to ship some lumber. A number of teachers expect to go to Ann Arbor, Saturday, to attend the cachers' association. Revs. Spathelf, of Lansing, and Heyer of Jackson, visited Kev. G. Schoettle last Monday. The Labadie comedy company played hiee uights last week at Arbeiter hall, all who attended were well pleased. Chas Younghaus has moved into the tore lately occupied by Dr. Lynch and ïas fitted up a neat looking barber hOD. Eugene Waite, of Grand Rapids, ar ived iu town last Saturday to spenc a few days visiting bis parents and riends. The entertainment criven by Prof Zangsman, of Heidelberg university Germany, was instructive as well á; pleasing. Mrs. Rev. L. VoJz, of Buffalo, N. Y. and Miss Sopliie Schnaid, of Ann Arbor, spent a few days visiting theii sister, Mrs H. Kifchhofer. Last Wednesday afternoon the funeral of Mrs. Elmer Stark was held at the Methodist church. She was born in Idaho and moved to Manchester about two years ago. She died of consumption and was 30 years old. She leaves a husband and many friends to mourn her loss. The citizeus of Manchester and Sharon were very niuch surprised at the arrest of Clarence Jones, by deputy sheriff J. Kensler. A reward of 625 was given for his arrest as he is iccused of stealing a span of horses in Minnesota. Ile was taken by a sheriff )f that place back to Minnesota, and jverybody is anxious to hear whac the psultwill be. By his father's request 1. F. Freeman went with him to attend he case.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News