Mis Second Wife Told him the secret of hergoocl healtlr She used "Parks' Tea" every night. Sold by Eberbach & Sons. Wliy Doiït You Use Parks' Tea for headache, constipauon and "that tired feeling." It purifles the blood, beautifies the complexion, acts upon the sluggish liver and moves the bowels every day Only herbs and planta, safe sure and pleasant. Sold by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co. 'Tt is "staíed that someof the senators favor wearing' silk gowna while they are in session. It is respectíully urged that they stop this side of crinolines. The Pyramid Pile Cure Is a new discovery for the prompt, permanent cure of Piles in every i form, Every druggist has it.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News