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C. Eberbach & Sons

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Agenta. FKE ELIXIR OF YOrUTHí ic I ]ïn ISlApth 1 íiiinrrl TjV " lo LIlu IñlUíüíl blVIIIÖ .' f$$Ê' s-?if""SwB ' ï ïtlsnot if j'oaarenot Jn possession of tie fr; ■'''''''■■'iSMMi v-V- Ti facultles ior enjoying it. We otfor to the - '"'.7'''-' fi PWfk ) ih. ' public a true and Irusty ïemedy.ibe w-3 %jrk&Lm ELl xir of voüt ' '''" fflfefHÍx? CS A po!iitive speedy, c-afe and lolmhip scieatifl? '■''3 M IwFíBWlí ÍStS' ÍH"n tllePresurlPuou oíuüii-nmii ;i.ys:;r.!i ■vÉkSÍÍíiBjriiffll WeguaranteenfisEHiU-torr.; ■:■:■- ..-,:.,■ '7%SmPSBSIi ni6es,sororamoi)iiithisao. J . ,:i. Vff "rTC" Emlssionsandallíácminal -. ' ■ - . mi.., , --- - - ' ii lish nonuints, but llave, on Hla --■ t, ■ -. u nlaln of the wonderful results produced by thia elixir, wüicü we are nuiüo.-iztt ,ao i r applicatlua ol auyone requiring such a medicine. BE A (VÍAN AGA1N. we charge no exhorbltant price, nor do we offer you a quack nostrum.but a loí'itimatí and scleuttQc pieparation, whieh will surely do all we claim for it. ïue Elixir lo put up Ín 4oz bottles, and retalla for $1.00, or 6 for $5.00. Thls vnluable remedywiü be found uníale by all leadlng drueeiísts. Each druggist has on file sworn testlmoníalaoi the wotiderful cures produced by this Elixir, and tüe proprietors oonfldently rerer all in need ofít to them. The Germán Hospital Remedy Co., crand Rapids, Micb. For Sale by all Drugeists.


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