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K. B. JJOíine entertanied his menu last week. Clarence Alley was a Detroit visitor last Priday. Mr. Vaughn, of Webster, visited his son Tuesday. James Hall, of Putnum, visited here j last ïhursday. Henry Fleming spent Friday with his Chelsea friends. John Pratt, sr., is erectinga finenew windmill on his farm. John Pidd and wife are entertaining friends for a few days. Mrs. George Pratt is oentertainiug her sister from Chicago. G. Vaughn and wife entertained friends last Wednesday. Mr. Glover, of Anderson, made us a short cali last Saturday. ïfick Reid was in Pinckney on business the last of the week, R, C. Reeve was at the county seat on business, Wednesday. Burt Youngs, of Sylvan, spent ïuesday with his cousins here. John Gallaglier is slowly recovering after a few days' sickness. Thomas Murray and son were in Chelsea one day last week, Mr, and Mrs. Oook, of Saline, visited with their iriends last week, Pat Sloan made a flying trip to Ann Arbov one day the past week. G. W. Pratt has purchased the Crane property on Ann Arbor street. M, Cook and A. Phelps took in tiie sights at Ann Arbor recently. Mrs, Levi Lee and daughter visited Ann Arbor oue day last week. Mrs. H. W. Newkirk entertained her cousin from the east last week. Miss Mate Sharpey spent the past week with her country friends. Charles Lemmon is enjoying a visit with his sister from California. Miss Fannie Smith, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter entertained her parents over Sunday. F. Judson and friend made us a pleasant cali the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wbeeler, of South Putnam, visited ber sister, Saturday. Miss Kate McCabe and cousin spent Saturday and Sunday in Ypsilanti. Miss Mand Barber was the guest of friends in the viciuity of Pinckney. E. Howard and wife entertained friends from abroad over Snnday. Thomas Eagan and wife spent Sunday witl) their friends in Pinckney. Harry Hayes and wife spent Friday with their many friends in Clielsea. Chas. Plimpton and Frank Smith, of Pinckney, spent Weduesday here. Mrs. Culy and family entertained relatives from Ann Arbor, Wednesday. E. Serviss and wife, of Ann Arbor, visited lier mother, Saturday and Sunday Mr. Marks and J. McGuinness, of Pinckney, were here on business, Friday. Mrs. T. Bell and Mrs. L. Boyden spent Thursday with frieuds near Birkett. Charles Vanriper and R. Buckalew spent Wednesday in the University city. Mr. Nabb, of Stockbridge, spent Wedfiesday and Thursday in this place. James McMillan, of Jackson, spent ast week with his brothers in this jlace. The Misses Clark spent Friday as he guest of some of their Chelsea "rienda. Steve Crane and family now occupy William Cobb's tenant housa at Portage Lake. Wm. Asquith, of Stockbridge, spent several days of the past week with his sister. A number from here attended the dance at the rink in Pinckney, Friday evening. Miss Nellie Fleming and brother were entertained by Ann Arbor friends last week. Thomas Birkett spent the past week looking aiter his business interests at Petoskey. Mrs. P. Seper and Miss Blanche Cushman visited in Detroit one day last week. Miss Clara Lee has returned home after a two months' stay with relatives in the east. Mrs. A. Eeason passed here, Tuesday, on her way to visit her daughter in Ann Arbor. F. A. Olmes, of Ann Arbor, is about to organizo a class in dancing in the near future. Messrs. L. Flintoft and Ralph McNeil made a llying trip to Chelsea one day last week. Charles. Neeb, of Aun Arbor, visited his mother and other relatives the flrst oí the week. Miss ïessie Sweetman has returned home after several weeks' stay with her sister in Marión . Wm. Ballou, wife and family have been etiteitaijiing relatives from Wayne the past few days. Wm. Carpenter and daughter. Miss Gertie. spent Saturday and Sunday with his brothers in Ann Arbor. Mieses Anna Gallag} er, Aggie Pratt and G-race Alley visited some of their country friends on their wheels last Saturday. Last Monday, Nov. 13, 1893, was the scène of a verv pleasant gathering at the residence of Mr. and Mrs Agur Taylor, when a large number of relatives trom Lansing, Ann Arbor, Emery and Pettysville went to celébrate the anniversary of Mrs. Tavlor's and her mother, Mrs. R. Flintoft's, birtliday. A beautiful dinner was served. The presents were nunierous and beautiful.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News