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Sex And Salary

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There are reported to be 185 male teachers in the public schools of Boston and 1,372 women. The average salary of the men per month is $246.06, and the average salary per month of the women is $70.69. To what extent the larger salary is' a pure bonus to the male sex is an interesting question. Doubtless the fact that many of th,e higher salaried posts are held by men accounts for more or less of this disparity, but it by no means accounts for all. So far as a man receives higher remuneration than a woman can secure for the same labor this excess is a pure bonus handed over on account of sex. Of course oíd (but not venerable) custom sanctions the payment to women of less for the same labor and service than is paid to men, but this is an age when equal rights are supposed to be rnaintained, and fair play to all is supposed to rule. Why are women still paid less for the Ramfl wnrli than mpn rpppivrf WhO knows?-


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News