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A Young Girl's Fortune

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x '"-'m'lnMSIHHwní-lS!j,.'{'wii.v'.'ó AN INTERESTING SKETCH. Nobhing appeals so strongly to a mother's iffection as her daughter just budding into ivomanhood. Following is an instance: "Ouf lauinter. Blanche, now 15 years of age, had leen terrihly afflicted wlth nervousness, and Jad lost the entire uso of her right arm. Sho ïasinsuahacondition that tc had te keep ler from school and abandon her music lesiona. [n f act, we f eared St. Vitus dance, and ira poiifi're but fot1 an invaluable reinedy ú;l have liad that terrible dfniction. 1 employcd phy slcians, butshereceived 10 benefit from them. The first of last August uliod bat 75 pounds. and although she 8n only three bottles of Nervine she iu'hslOöpounds; her nervousness and ;ymptoms of St.Vitu3 dance are eutirely gone, she attends school regularly, and studies with ;omfort and ease. She has recovered complete jsu of hor arm, her appetite is splendid, and lio money could procure for our daughter tlift ieaHh I)r. Miles' Nervine has brought ber. When my brother recommended the remïdy I had no faith in patent medicines, and wduïU uot listen to Mm, but as a last resort he sent us a bottle, we began giving it to Blanehe, and the effect was almost immediate."- Mrs. R. K. Bullock, Brighton, N. Y. Dr. Miles' Itestorative Nervine is sold by all lïrugjrists on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd.. on receipt of price, $1 per bottle, slx bottles for 68, express prepaid. It is positively tree from opiates or üangerous druss. Sold by Drug-gists Every where.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News