The f all oí the year is a tryinc; seaon f or elderly people. Tlie man y cheerless, dark, dismal dajs act depressingly, not to say injuriously, on joth oll and young. Now is the time to re-enforee the vital enerves with Ayer's Sarsaparilla - the best of all jlood medicines. Vlfe- Hëre's an advertisement in the paper that you'd better look into. It says that a man is wanted, and he won't be worked to death, and he'H get paid enough to live on. Husband -Says he won't be worked to death, eh? "Yes, and they pay enough to live on." "Huh! Some catch about that." Scrofula eradicated and all kindred diseases cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which by its vitalizing aud alterativ effects, makes pure blood. An electric enginehas been designed for ordinary passenger traffio on a subcity line in London, which admits of its motors being revolved ■n'hen the train is at a standstill. It operates on acenterraü sj'stem, a id many ecoaomical are ciaimed ior it. For the piano player, a circular sandbag about twelve inches long and an inch in diameter, is found veivuseful for the music open It is most appropriately coTercd with sorne delicate shade of silk or satin, upon wbich is painted or embroiüered a bar of music and a ew flovvers. CiUarrh Cannot be Oured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they canuot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take interna! renaedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken internal[y and acts directiy on the bittod and mucous surfaces. Halls CatarrL Cure is not a quack medicine. 16 was prescribed by one of the. best physicians in this country for years. and is a regular prescriptiou. It is composed of the best tonics known. combined with the best blood puriflers, actius directiy on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combinatiön of the two ingreflients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimon'f.J. Cüknkv & Co.. Toledo-, O. ■Sold by all Druggists, 75c. ChildrenCryfor Pltcher's Castoria.
Ann Arbor Argus
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