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Memorial Resol utions. The Ann Arbor Light Infantry íave adopted the following resoutions in relation to the death of Eraanuel Mark Staebler. HEADQUtnTEUS Ann Arbor Light Inkantry November 9th, 1893. ) Whereas, The sad news comes to us tliat death has for the second time , Riitered our ranks and taken out our 'aitbful, efficiënt member, Emanuel Mark Staebler. and that we are ' ous of sbowing to his parents and many friends, our appreciation of him í and how near and dear he vvas to us, therefore be it Resolved, That this company attend in a body his funeral, and escort Mui tu his last resting place, and give hiir. ;i soldier's burial, sounding that lasl cali, yvhieh bis deaf ear cannot hear. Be it fnrther llesolved, That our armory be a,ppropriately draped for the next thirty days, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to his parents. Chas. H. Kline, John C. Fisher, Wm. F. Armstrong, Committee. Ripans Tabules banish pain. Ripans Tabules : a family remedy. Ripans Tabules are oí great valué. ! HQW GOLD WáS IT í i $ ' You would know I I ; if you ñad not lected to get that I thernionieter. I5c ; up at iCalkias' Fhrmftcy. i


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News