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Unlike the Dutch Process ÍNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W.Bate & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more ihan three times the strcngth of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less ihan one cent a cup. It is delicious, noiirishing, and easii.y DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co„ Dorchester, Mass. Michigan (Tbntkai "The Niágara Falls Ronte." TIME TABLK (Bevtóed) SEPTEMBER 24, ISS13 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. $ e. i a gTïë : F: ia : : e. ; L : - : e. ; 3 SSS !SSS5 : 5 JSSSS Sé83 : t ■ o o O ■ - " X ; rH ;-Cií3!O ■ S1 aa sa -aTIa r : a H C.Ö a =J cfi I o.=i ; ■ ; ; a Q O-UlíiOOOOCtO! g Xíí i" ' ilO- ' S" aa ; : ; Tas; s as : : ; : : s h ai : : i : a ; a" : ; : : : = „ Sg : : ffiss :gjj SS :g : : : :S8 Olií i i 'ííTiíl iïSCC' jgr OÏCO -r5 i i ■ iíQi- L I S : : . ■: : = S & I L a : ; : á 3 I ; : : : ;3 a &a ; ; ; o I ! ! Sí I ■■-'S' Í2=:C'J32 i i !SL a S : : ;' : :e"a g. :g s 23 : : ja ; 122 g i;S2888E38S r Ê3 TTi :ag a. sa TT; a pH S5 ; ;-5 j1: c5S ;■..: ■ reo j_ cea) ■ ■ ojcí ;ot g coth -hh j -oícs a BB ' ' : :SS aisB : : : ï S 1-1 c ya ■ ■ ao ' we I ut i ö ' o c; co a o i co w ■ i"1 ;"!c . rHtó ; ■ t-M ccoo ■ O ■ j íg'' ÍTTa i a"; i a as : : ; : B h es p. : a : c ■ : : : o. 8SSÍJ 'SSS3 ti SS :S3 : :S2 q OS O O 'SiCíCíO 2 - COCO ' ' 'O- ss aa .as s a os a - '- 3=ö a Q ! ! : ' ' $ K Ofi -' ! ' i ! ■í h ; I ! ! ;J_j : : s ; i=._ ■ ■ ■ i o &s í5sí3á i Jlí i"'g O 3 5 o fl a 3 C sSadoSÏSS g l645QCltMoal lo aQfejH)CQg4o O.W. KUGGLES, H. W.HATES, G. P. & T. Agent, Chicago. Ajf 't Ann A ■ ■ or. THE EBERBACH nRUG AND=u CHEMICAL CO. ARE MANUFACTUBERS OF THE ÏOLLOWING ARTICLKS: Glycet ine with Lavander f'or the hands and face, 25c per bottle. JPearl Tooth Wash, 25c per bottle. Toiletine for the Complexion, 5 and 10c packayes. Bloom of Roses for the Complexión 5 and 10c packages. Hair Jiestorer, Iceeps the hair f rom falliny out, 75c per bottle. Hair Dressing, 25c a bottle. Flavoring Extracte, all kinds of our own malee in bulk. We ífuurantee any of the above preparations of our mako to srive perfect satiefaction, or money refundec!. We feel safe in making this guarantee, as tbe articles where used liave given the best of eatisfaction. In case you are in need of anything in the Drujr or Drugertets Sundries line. Picase give us a oal) and be convinced that our prices and goods will stand eomparibon with any in the EBERBAOH DEUQ AND CHEMICAL CO. MARTIN & FISCHER. PROI'RIETORS OF THE WE8TEKN JBItEWEKY, ANN AHBOR. M1CHBrewers of Pure Lawrer Beer. ty'iM CURE YOURSELF for $tVf SIVATABLETSpositlvelvciires n ws. (0wrrheii, Gleft Leucorrnea or TlxTN "Whltes and all un natu ral disA Ifií-jN cliaiKes oí Male or Feniale. Pre-A VÍ7veut8 SIricture ; SI vais a sdentific hy 'Vf' i reniedy Ihatlsqulck.sureand Y s ' pernianeut. Guarantefd ín Vs (k. ' Xía írom 3 to 0 daya. No dotiing f " ■v with dnipfH. Encloce money CT'-A when onlcrinp. Bend eiamp J aivA. y for fiíke infoi-mation. Iva hnm , - - fcoL Chemical Co., Detroit. Mich.


Ann Arbor Argus
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