What She Lacked
ZVXiss Pussy sat on the lcnvest bough Of a waviag hickory tree Whispering sof tly: 'TH have you now, You gay little robin, you'll see! The old hen watthes lier cliicks thirteen And has such a fearful way Of fiying at one that X haven't seen A bit of fresh meat today." But Master Robin twitters away As she stealthily ereeps along, s Joining in as the thrush and jay Chirrnp a morning song, Glancing sidewise once and again Out of his saucy eye. As if to say: "You'U catch me then? Well, madam, suppose you try." "I have four legs," said Pussy Cat, "And you, sir, have only two. I have sharp claws- depend on that- And they'U get the better of you. I'm stronger, too, than a dozen birds. Look now!" and she quickly springs. But the robin laughed as he soared away, "Ha! ha! but you have no wings."
Ann Arbor Argus
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