Notice. I shall for the present make my' headquarters at the old stand (now E. A. Wallace & Co.) and shall give tny entire attention to the collection of the accounts due The Tice Sams - It being necessary to close np these accounts at once, I would urge , those indebted to cali and pay theiri bilis. Sam Langsdorfï Read This. Mr. W. H. Butler, with Mr. Chas. R. Whitman, has money to loan upoii Keal Estáte, security, in sums of $100 to $3,000, ut low ratesof interest and easy terrus. Cali early. First come first serveil. Office over the Postoffice. w 30-tf. She Could Never Come To Want. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, has just issued an entirely new form of policy, by which tbe Company will pay to the beneflciary a rixed amounteacft yearfor Ufe, af ter the deatb of the insured. Any one whO will send bis age. (nearest birthday) will receive, free, a proposal which will illustrate what can be done. The Mutual Life is the largest and oldest Life Insurance Company. Asseta over $175,000,0U0. Sohuyler Gránt, General Agent. Address, W. II. & II. C. Bréarly, managers for Eastern Michigan. Number 80 Griswold St., Detroit, Michigan. Lost. - Between Grass Lake and Arm Arbor, on the Jackson road, a pocketbook containing a certifícate to the Crand Lodge, I. O. O. F., and name card of Edd Estes. Finder leave at Argus office or forward to Dave Evans, Stanton, Mich. Baled Hay. - We will sell on Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week, baled hay at wholesale prices. Finnegan & Richards, No. 9 Detroit street. Wanted - To purchase a fruit and vegetable farm, 40 to 60 acres, within one mile, or less, of city limits of Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti. Give f uil description, location, and bottom cash price. , Address "W," care Argus. Are You a Drummer? For the annual meeting of the Knights of the Grip at Saginaw December 26th and 27th, the T. A. A. & N. M. R'y will make rates of one fare for the round trip to all members of the association, their wives and all immediate members of their families. These tickets will be on sale December 28th. Sealed Proposals. Sealed bids will be received at the office oí the City Clerk until 7 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, November 15th, 189S, for ñve hundred (500) feet ot Cotton Fire Ilose, in fifty (50) feet lengths, with the Preston couplings The righr, to reject any or all bids is reserved. By order of the Board of Fire Commissioners. Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 18, 1893. W. J. Milleb, Clerk. Fast Line to Des Moines. The long list of cities in the west and northwest reached without change of cars via the Northwestern line, has been increased by the addition of Des Moines, the capita city of the great State of Iowa, and passengers for that point can now leave Chicago at a convenient hour in the evening, and arrive at Des Moines the following morning in time for breakfast. The train is fully up to the high Standard always maintained by the North-western line, and1 is equipped with palace sleeping cars of the latest design, and reclining chair cars in which seats are furnished free of extra charge. Maps, time tables and general information can be obtained upon application to any ticket agent or by addressing W. A. Thrall, general passenger and ticket agent Chicago & Northwestern R'y, Chicago, Hls. Special Excursión Rates on the T. A. & N. M. R'y. Rates of fare for the round trip are made by the T. A. A. & N. M. R'y for the Michigan State Sunday School Association's annual meeting at Hillsdale, Mich., November i3th to i5th. Disgfusted Passenger - It is noinmg but an outrage, the way these street cars are packed and jammed every evening. Conductor- I know it is; but you see the company won't let us take the seats out. If the seats were only took out there would be plenty o'jroom to stan.d. Notice. Having sold my business at Ann Arbor, I wish all bilis against me presented for payment to Sam Langsdorf, who for the present will have an office at the old stand. Louis Blitz, The Two Sams. Cíergyman, a a parishidnér's grave -Yes, my friends, our departed brother has been taken suddenly away, leavinff behind a mourning widow of twenty-four summers. Widow, amid her sobs- Oh, no, sir; I'm only twenLiver and KiSney Cure. Parks' Sure Cure is the only guaranteed remerly. lts action is quick and positive. Will stop tbat back-ache and sick head-aehe. A positive specific for all diseases of womeh. Wliy suffer when it will cure you? Sold by Eberbivch & Sons.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News